Joint EERA – SmiLES Workshop on Hybrid Energy and Energy Storage Systems

Rome (IT), 07-08 November 2019
Last week the Joint EERA – SmiLES Workshop on Hybrid Energy and Energy Storage Systems was held in Rome. Prof. Giovanna Cavazzini of the TES research group organized the workshop in collaboration with Manuel Baumann (KIT), Atle Harby (SINTEF) and Marco Ferraro (CNR) within the framework of the EERA Joint Program on Energy Storage. The workshop was hosted by the GSE.
The main objective of the workshop was to better define and understand the sustainability implications (techno-economics and environmental impacts) of conventional and Hybrid Energy and Energy Storage Systems in terms of materials used, system design, their hybridization, and finally system optimization. 97 researchers from all Europe discussed together on several topics related to the different aspects of the sustainability of hybrid systems.
In order to strengthen and expand the outcome of the meeting and to improve networking, a session of the SmILES project and the EERA JP AMPEA was hosted in the workshop. The agenda of the workshop can be found here. More information on the workshop outcome will be published soon on our website.