

Stefano Casarin, Giovanna Cavazzini, Juan Ignacio Pérez-Díaz (2023) Battery and Flywheel hybridization of a reversible Pumped-Storage Hydro Power Plant for wear and tear reduction, Journal of Energy Storage 71, p. 108059, url, doi:10.1016/j.est.2023.108059

Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Benato (2023) Residential Buildings Heating and Cooling Systems: The Key Role of Monitoring Systems and Real-Time Analysis in the Detection of Failures and Management Strategy Optimization, Processes 11(5), p. 1365, url, doi:10.3390/pr11051365

Tianxu Yan, Baoyun Qiu, Jianping Yuan, Giorgio Pavesi, Fangling Zhao, Huijie Wang (2023) Flow State at Impeller Inlet: Optimization of Conical Frustum Section of Elbow Inlet Conduit in Large Low-Lift Pump Station, Journal of Fluids Engineering 145(4), ASME International, doi:10.1115/1.4056452

T Yin, G Pavesi, S Yuan (2023) Influenced of Bio-Inspired Leading-Edge Tubercle on Cloud Cavitation Arounf NACA 0009 Hydrofoil, Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC15, April 24-28 2023; Budapest, Hungary, ETC (ed.), p. 1-14, ETC, url

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Shouqi Yuan (2023) Revisiting RANS prediction of transitional flow on T3A flat plate subject to various freestream turbulences, Computers & Fluids 254, p. 105810, url, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.105810

Giacomo Zanetti, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Santolin (2023) Effect of the von Karman Shedding Frequency on the Hydrodynamics of a Francis Turbine Operating at Nominal Load, International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power 2023, Vol. 8, Page 27 8(3), p. 27, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, url, doi:10.3390/IJTPP8030027

Giacomo Zanetti, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Santolin (2023) Three-dimensional evolution of the flow unsteadiness in the S-shape of pump-turbines and its correlation with the runner geometry, Journal of Energy Storage 57(September 2022), p. 106176, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.est.2022.106176

Yunkai Zhou, Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Jianping Yuan, Yanxia Fu, Quanlin Gao (2023) Comparative numerical investigation on flow characteristics of pump-jets with accelerating duct and decelerating duct, url

Yunkai Zhou, Giorgio Pavesi, Jianping Yuan, Yanxia Fu, Quanlin Gao (2023) Effects of duct profile parameters on flow characteristics of pump-jet: A numerical analysis on accelerating and decelerating ducts distinguished by cambers and angles of attack, Ocean Engineering 281, Elsevier Ltd, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114733


G Cavazzini, G Zanetti, A Santolin, G Ardizzon (2022) Characterization of the hydrodynamic instabilities in a pump-turbine operating at part load in turbine mode, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1079(1), p. 012033, Institute of Physics, url, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1079/1/012033

Xingcheng Gan, Ji Pei, Giorgio Pavesi, Shouqi Yuan, Wenjie Wang (2022) Application of intelligent methods in energy efficiency enhancement of pump system: A review, Energy Reports 8, p. 11592-11606, Elsevier Ltd, doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2022.09.016

Xingcheng Gan, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan, Wenjie Wang, Tingyun Yin (2022) Parametric investigation and energy efficiency optimization of the curved inlet pipe with induced vane of an inline pump, Energy 240, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/

Metal-organic-heat-carrier Nanoparticles, Waste Heat, Recovery Applications, Rfa Mil, Giovanna Cavazzini, Serena Bari (2022) Optimization of the Adsorption / Desorption Contribution from

Wenjie Wang, Geyuan Tai, Ji Pei, Giorgio Pavesi, Shouqi Yuan (2022) Numerical investigation of the effect of the closure law of wicket gates on the transient characteristics of pump-turbine in pump mode, Renewable Energy 194, p. 719-733, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2022.05.129

Ting yun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shou qi Yuan, Xing cheng Gan (2022) Large eddy simulation of cloud cavitation and wake vortex cavitation around a trailing-truncated hydrofoil, Journal of Hydrodynamics 34(5), p. 893-903, Springer, doi:10.1007/s42241-022-0073-9

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi (2022) Dynamic responses of pitching hydrofoil in laminar–turbulent transition regime, Journal of Fluids and Structures 111, Academic Press, doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2022.103544

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan (2022) Numerical investigation on the inhibition mechanisms of unsteady cavitating flow around stepped hydrofoils, Ocean Engineering 265(August), Elsevier Ltd, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112540

Giacomo Zanetti, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Santolin (2022) Unsteady numerical analysis of the S-shape characteristic of a reversible pump-turbine operating in generating mode, p. 1-18

Yunkai Zhou, Giorgio Pavesi, Jianping Yuan, Yanxia Fu (2022) A Review on Hydrodynamic Performance and Design of Pump-Jet: Advances, Challenges and Prospects, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(10), MDPI, doi:10.3390/jmse10101514

Marco van Dijk, Stefanus Johannes van Vuuren, Giovanna Cavazzini, Chantel Monica Niebuhr, Alberto Santolin (2022) Optimizing Conduit Hydropower Potential by Determining Pareto-Optimal Trade-Off Curve, Sustainability (Switzerland) 14(13), doi:10.3390/su14137876


Alberto Benato, Francesco De Vanna, Ennio Gallo, Anna Stoppato, Giovanna Cavazzini (2021) TES-PD: A Fast and Reliable Numerical Model to Predict the Performance of Thermal Reservoir for Electricity Energy Storage Units, Fluids 6(7), p. 256, url, doi:10.3390/fluids6070256

Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Benato, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2021) Techno-economic benefits deriving from optimal scheduling of a Virtual Power Plant: Pumped hydro combined with wind farms, Journal of Energy Storage 37(May 2020), p. 102461, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/J.EST.2021.102461

Giovanna Cavazzini, Pål-Tore Storli, Torbjørn K. Nielsen (2021) Hydropower, Wind, Water and Fire, Gerard M Crawley (ed.), p. 125-171, Marcus Enterprise LLC, USA, url, doi:10.1142/9789811225925_0005

Giovanna Cavazzini, Francesco Giacomel, Alberto Benato, Francesco Nascimben, Guido Ardizzon (2021) Analysis of the Inner Fluid-Dynamics of Scroll Compressors and Comparison between CFD Numerical and Modelling Approaches, Energies 14(4), p. 1158, url, doi:10.3390/en14041158

Francesco De Vanna, Alberto Benato, Francesco Picano, Ernesto Benini (2021) High-order conservative formulation of viscous terms for variable viscosity flows, Acta Mechanica, doi:10.1007/s00707-021-02937-2

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Francesco De Vanna (2021) Environmental impact of energy systems integrated with electrochemical accumulators and powered by renewable energy sources in a life-cycle perspective, Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 11(6), doi:10.3390/app11062770

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2021) Lagrangian Analysis of Unsteady Partial Cavitating Flow Around a Three-Dimensional Hydrofoil, Journal of Fluids Engineering 143(4 - April), p. 1-11, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), url, doi:10.1115/1.4049242

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan (2021) Numerical analysis of unsteady cloud cavitating flow around a 3D Clark-Y hydrofoil considering end-wall effects, Ocean Engineering 219(April 2020), p. 103506, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108369

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan (2021) Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitation around a twisted hydrofoil, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 135, p. 103506, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103506


Gideon Johannes Bonthuys, Marco van Dijk, Giovanna Cavazzini (2020) Energy Recovery and Leakage-Reduction Optimization of Water Distribution Systems Using Hydro Turbines, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146(5), p. 04020026, url, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001203

Gideon Johannes Bonthuys, Marco van Dijk, Giovanna Cavazzini (2020) The Optimization of Energy Recovery Device Sizes and Locations in Municipal Water Distribution Systems during Extended-Period Simulation, Water 12(9), p. 2447, url, doi:10.3390/w12092447

G Cavazzini, F Giacomel, G Ardizzon, N Casari, E Fadiga, M Pinelli, A Suman, F Montomoli (2020) CFD-based optimization of scroll compressor design and uncertainty quanti fi cation of the performance under geometrical variations, Energy 209, p. 118382, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/

Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2020) Optimal assets management of a water distribution network for leakage minimization based on an innovative index, Sustainable Cities and Society 54(May), p. 101890, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101890

Alarico Macor, Alberto Benato (2020) A human health toxicity assessment of biogas engines regulated and unregulated emissions, Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10(20), doi:10.3390/app10207048

Alarico Macor, Alberto Benato (2020) Regulated emissions of biogas engines—on site experimental measurements and damage assessment on human health, Energies 13(5), doi:10.3390/en13051044

N. Pepper, F. Montomoli, F. Giacomel, G. Cavazzini, M. Pinelli, N. Casari, S. Sharma (2020) Uncertainty quantification and missing data for turbomachinery with probabilistic equivalence and arbitrary polynomial chaos, applied to scroll compressors, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 10B-2020, doi:10.1115/GT2020-16139

Fabio Schiro, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2020) Modelling and analyzing the impact of hydrogen enriched natural gas on domestic gas boilers in a decarbonization perspective, Carbon Resources Conversion 3, doi:10.1016/j.crcon.2020.08.001

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2020) Life cycle assessment of a commercially available organic Rankine cycle unit coupled with a biomass boiler, Energies 13(7), doi:10.3390/en13071835

Wenjie Wang, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan (2020) Transient simulation on closure of wicket gates in a high-head Francis-type reversible turbine operating in pump mode, Renewable Energy 145, p. 1817-1830, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.052


Alberto Benato, Giovanna Cavazzini, Serena Bari, Guido Ardizzon (2019) ORC pump efficiency estimation and real behaviour under different working fluids, Proceedings of ECOS 2019 - The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Alberto Benato, Alarico Macor (2019) Italian Biogas Plants: Trend, Subsidies, Cost, Biogas Composition and Engine Emissions, Energies 12(6), p. 979, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, url, doi:10.3390/en12060979

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro (2019) Photovoltaic Panels Active Cooling System: an experimental campaign to reduce module temperature and pump energy consumption, Proceedings of ECOS 2019 - The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2019) Integrated Thermal Electricity Storage System: Energetic and cost performance, Energy Conversion and Management 197(July 2019), p. 111833, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111833

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2019) An Experimental Investigation of a Novel Low-Cost Photovoltaic Panel Active Cooling System, Energies 12(8), p. 1448, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, url, doi:10.3390/en12081448

Gideon Johannes Bonthuys, Marco van Dijk, Giovanna Cavazzini (2019) Leveraging water infrastructure asset management for energy recovery and leakage reduction, Sustainable Cities and Society 46(January), p. 101434, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101434

Antonio Cavallin Toscani, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Antonio Cavallin Toscani, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2019) LCA of a concert: evaluation of the Carbon footprint and of Cumulative energy demand, Proceedings of ECOS 2019 - The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Giovanna Cavazzini, Serena Bari, Vittoria Benedetti, Peter Mcgrail, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2019) Influence of the Use of an Innovative Nanofluid on Net Power Production in ORCs for low grade waste heat recovery applications, 5th International Seminar on ORC power Systems, p. 1-8

Giovanna Cavazzini, Serena Bari, P. McGrail, Vittoria Benedetti, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2019) Contribution of Metal-Organic-Heat Carrier nanoparticles in a R245fa low-grade heat recovery Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy Conversion and Management 199, p. 111960, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111960

Giovanna Cavazzini, Francesco Giacomel, Alberto Benato, Serena Bari (2019) Influence of the Fluid-Dynamic Properties of Organic Fluids on Pump Performance, 5th International Seminar on ORC power Systems, p. 1-8

Davide Fantinato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2019) LCA analysis of a low-energy residential building, Proceedings of ECOS 2019 - The 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Xiuli Mao, Giorgio Pavesi, Diyi Chen, Hengshan Xu, Gaojun Mao (2019) Flow induced noise characterization of pump turbine in continuous and intermittent load rejection processes, Renewable Energy 139, p. 1029-1039, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.02.116

Guillermo Martínez-Lucas, Juan I. Pérez-Díaz, Manuel Chazarra, José I. Sarasúa, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Original Article (2019) Risk of penstock fatigue in pumped-storage power plants operating with variable speed in pumping mode, Renewable Energy 133, p. 636-646, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.10.060

Ji Pei, Wenjie Wang, Giorgio Pavesi, Majeed Koranteng Osman, Fan Meng (2019) Experimental investigation of the nonlinear pressure fluctuations in a residual heat removal pump, Annals of Nuclear Energy 131, p. 63-79, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2019.03.025

Fabio Schiro, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2019) Hydrogen enriched natural gas for residential heating decarbonization and impact analysis on premixed combustion devices, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering (ASEE19)

Marco Van Dijk, S.J. Van Vuuren, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Santolin, C.M. Niebuhr (2019) Optimization of cascading conduit hydropower plants in a water distribution system, HYDRO 2019, p. 1-12

Tingyun Yin, Giorgio Pavesi, Ji Pei, Shouqi Yuan, Nana Adu Daniel (2019) Comparison of Various Turbulence Models Applied to a Twisted Hydrofoil, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018)(5), p. 269-275, doi:10.1115/1.861851_ch52


Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2018) Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage: A technology overview, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 6, p. 301-315, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.tsep.2018.01.017

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2018) Energy and cost analysis of an Air Cycle used as prime mover of a Thermal Electricity Storage, Journal of Energy Storage 17, p. 29-46, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.est.2018.02.007

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2018) Heat transfer fluid and material selection for an innovative Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage system, Proceedings of ASEE17 - 1st International conference on advances in energy systems and environmental engineering 147, p. 155-168, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Alberto Benato (2018) Improving the efficiency of a cataphoresis oven with a cogenerative organic Rankine cycle unit, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 5, doi:10.1016/j.tsep.2017.11.003

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro, Alberto Mirandola (2018) Experimental Campaign on the Behaviour of Photovoltaic Panels Cooled by a Water Film System, Proceedings of CPOTE 2018 - 5th International Conference of Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering, p. 601-608

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2018) Storage Material and Strategy Selection for a Thermal Electricity Storage Unit Based on An Air Cycle, Proceedings of CPOTE 2018 - 5th International Conference of Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering, p. 591-599

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro, Alberto Mirandola (2018) Characterization of premixed flame blow-off downstream a multi-perforated burner, Proceedings of ECOS 2018 - The 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro, Alberto Mirandola (2018) Improving the energetic efficiency of wine cooperatives using their vine shoots, Proceedings of ECOS 2018 - The 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2018) A novel two-swarm based PSO search strategy for optimal short-term hydro-thermal generation scheduling, Energy Conversion and Management 164, p. 460-481, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2018.03.012

Giovanna Cavazzini, Jean-Bernard Bernard Houdeline, Giorgio Pavesi, Olivier Teller, Guido Ardizzon (2018) Unstable behaviour of pump-turbines and its effects on power regulation capacity of pumped-hydro energy storage plants, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94(April 2017), p. 399-409, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.06.018

Xiuli Mao, Aoran Sun, Giorgio Pavesi, Yuan Zheng, Xinfeng Ge (2018) Simulation of flow induced noise in process of pump-turbine load rejection, Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 34(20), p. 52-58, url, doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.007

Luca Menegozzo, Andrea Dal Monte, Ernesto Benini, Alberto Benato (2018) Small wind turbines: A numerical study for aerodynamic performance assessment under gust conditions, Renewable Energy 121, p. 123-132, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.12.086

Giorgio Pavesi, Zhan-shan Xie, Yuan Zheng, Xin-feng Ge, Xiu-li Mao, Yuan Zheng, Giorgio Pavesi, Xin-feng Ge, Zhan-shan Xie (2018) A new method of dynamic mesh used in continuous guide vane closure of a reversible pump-turbine in generating mode, Journal of Hydrodynamics 30(5), p. 828-836, Springer Nature, doi:10.1007/s42241-018-0146-y

Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2018) Numerical Simulation of a Pump–Turbine Transient Load Following Process in Pump Mode, Journal of Fluids Engineering 140(2), p. 021114, url, doi:10.1115/1.4037988

Mao Xiuli, Pavesi Giorgio, Zheng Yuan (2018) Francis-Type reversible turbine field investigation during fast closure of wicket gates, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 140(6), p. 061103, doi:10.1115/1.4039089

Jun Yang, Tian Xie, Pavesi Giorgio, Xiaohua Liu, Jun Liu (2018) Numerical study on rotating characteristics of unsteady flow inner pump-turbine in pump mode, International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems 11(3), p. 224-233, doi:10.5293/IJFMS.2018.11.3.224

Jun Yang, Giorgio Pavesi, Xiaohua Liu, Tian Xie, Jun Liu (2018) Unsteady flow characteristics regarding hump instability in the first stage of a multistage pump-turbine in pump mode, Renewable Energy 127, p. 377-385, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.04.069

Marco van Dijk, Giovanna Cavazzini, Gideon Bonthuys, Alberto Santolin, Jacques van Delft (2018) Integration of Water Supply, Conduit Hydropower Generation and Electricity Demand, Proceedings 2(11), p. 689, url, doi:10.3390/proceedings2110689


Alberto Benato (2017) Performance and cost evaluation of an innovative Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage power system, Energy 138, p. 419-436, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola, Marco Del Medico (2017) Design and Off-Design Analysis of an ORC Coupled with a Micro-Gas Turbine, Energy Procedia 129, p. 551-558, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.192

Alberto Benato, Alarico Macor, Antonio Rossetti (2017) Biogas Engine Emissions: Standards and On-Site Measurements, Energy Procedia 126, p. 398-405, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.278

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato (2017) Energy and cost analysis of a new packed bed pumped thermal electricity storage unit, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140(2), p. 020904, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, url, doi:10.1115/1.4038197

Alberto Benato, Alarico Macor (2017) Biogas engine waste heat recovery using organic Rankine cycle, Energies 10(3), doi:10.3390/en10030327

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro, Nicola Destro (2017) Improving the Energy Efficiency of a Paint and Cataphoresis Facility with an Organic Rankine Cycle Module, Proceedings of ASEE17 - 1st International conference on advances in energy systems and environmental engineering

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Mirandola Alberto (2017) Procedimento per l'ottimizzazione della configurazione e la scelta del fluido operativo di un impianto ORC alimentato a biomasse, La Termotecnica LXVII(4), p. 51-54

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2017) State-of-the-art and future development of sensible heat thermal electricity storage systems, Proceedings of 2nd AIGE-IIETA 2017 International Conference and 11th AIGE 2017 National Conference, on Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems

G. Cavazzini, S. Bari, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2017) A multi-fluid PSO-based algorithm for the search of the best performance of sub-critical Organic Rankine Cycles, Energy 129, p. 42-58, doi:10.1016/

Nicola Destro, Anna Stoppato, Fabio Schiro, Alberto Benato, Fabio Schiro (2017) EU energy policies achievement by industries in decentralized areas, Proceedings of ASEE17 - 1st International conference on advances in energy systems and environmental engineering 22, B Kaźmierczak, M Kutyłowska, K Piekarska, H Jouhara, J Danielewicz (ed.), p. 00035, EDP Sciences, url, doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20172200035

Alarico Macor, Alberto Benato, Antonio Rossetti, Zeno Bettio (2017) Study and Simulation of a Hydraulic Hybrid Powertrain, Energy Procedia 126, p. 1131-1138, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.279

Guillermo Martínez-Lucas, Juan Ignacio Pérez-Díaz, Juan Ignacio Sarasúa, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2017) Simulation model of a variable-speed pumped-storage power plant in unstable operating conditions in pumping mode, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 813(1), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/813/1/012028

Weipao Miao, Chun Li, Giorgio Pavesi, Jun Yang, Xiaoyun Xie (2017) Investigation of wake characteristics of a yawed HAWT and its impacts on the inline downstream wind turbine using unsteady CFD, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 168(May), p. 60-71, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2017.05.002

Giorgio Pavesi, Wenjie Wang (2017) Numerical investigation on transient flow of a high head pump-turbine in pump mode during rapid closure of wicket gates, 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2017

Antonio Rossetti, Alarico Macor, Alberto Benato (2017) Impact of control strategies on the emissions in a city bus equipped with power-split transmission, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50, p. 357-371, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.trd.2016.11.025

A Santolin, G Pavesi, G Cavazzini, G Ardizzon, ..., Salita Dossi, G Pavesi, G Cavazzini, G Ardizzon, ... (2017) Techno-economic feasibility analysis for energy production by variable speed Francis turbines in water distribution networks, Tamanini.It, pdf

A Santolin, G Cavazzini, G Pavesi, ... () Effect of penstock length variation on hydraulic transients, Energy Conversion and …,, pdf


Fabio Schiro, Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Nicola Destro (2017) Improving photovoltaics efficiency by water cooling: Modelling and experimental approach, Energy 137, p. 798-810, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Fabio Schiro, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2017) Gas fired boilers: Perspective for near future fuel composition and impact on burner design process, Proceedings of ASEE17 - 1st International conference on advances in energy systems and environmental engineering

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2017) The Importance of Energy Storage, Energy Storage, p. 1-26, url, doi:10.1142/9789813208964_0001


Alberto Benato, Alex Pezzuolo, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola, Suraj Pandey (2016) Improvement of the Energy System of a Nepali Village Through Innovative Exploitation of Local Resources, Energy Procedia 101, p. 790-797, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.11.100

Alberto Benato, Alex Pezzuolo, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Economic and energy analysis of a Thermal Energy Storage power system, Proceedings of ECOS 2016 - The 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredos (ed.)

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Corrigendum to "Dynamic behaviour analysis of a three pressure level Heat Recovery Steam Generator during transient operation" [Energy 90 (P2) (2015) 1595-1605] DOI: 10.1016/, Energy 95, doi:10.1016/

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola, Nicola Destro, Stefano Bracco (2016) Superheater and Drum Lifetime Estimation: An Approach Based on Dynamic Analysis, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139(3), p. 031001, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, url, doi:10.1115/1.4035020

Alberto Benato, Stefano Bracco, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Dynamic simulation of combined cycle power plant cycling in the electricity market, Energy Conversion and Management 107, p. 76-85, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.07.050

Alberto Benato, Stefano Bracco, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) LTE: A procedure to predict power plants dynamic behaviour and components lifetime reduction during transient operation, Applied Energy 162, p. 880-891, url, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.162

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Renewable Energy Conversion and Waste Heat Recovery Using Organic Rankine Cycles, Renewable Energy Systems, Sandip A Kale (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, USA

Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Covi, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2016) Analysis of the Unstable Behavior of a Pump-Turbine in Turbine Mode: Fluid-Dynamical and Spectral Characterization of the S-shape Characteristic, Journal of Fluids Engineering 138(2), p. 021105, url, doi:10.1115/1.4031368

Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Santolin, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2016) Accurate estimation model for small and micro hydropower plants costs in hybrid energy systems modelling, Energy 103, p. 746-757, doi:10.1016/

Nicola Destro, Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Components design and daily operation optimization of a hybrid system with energy storages, Energy 117(2), p. 569-577, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Schiro Fabio, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Nicola Destro, Fabio Schiro, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Nicola Destro (2016) STATIONARY AND TRANSIENT MODELS OF A COOLING SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCES OF A PV FIELD, Proceedings of ECOS 2016 - The 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredos (ed.)

G Pavesi, G Cavazzini, G Ardizzon (2016) Numerical Simulation of a Pump-Turbine Transient Load Following Process in Pump Mode, ISROMAC,, pdf

Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2016) Numerical analysis of the transient behaviour of a variable speed pump-turbine during a pumping power reduction scenario, Energies 9(7), p. 1-15,, url, doi:10.3390/en9070534

Alex Pezzuolo, Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) The ORC-PD: A versatile tool for fluid selection and Organic Rankine Cycle unit design, Energy 102, p. 605-620, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Alex Pezzuolo, Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Fluid Selection and Plant Configuration of an ORC-biomass fed System Generating Heat and/or Power, Proceedings of ATI 2016 - 71st Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association 101, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.11.104

Alex Pezzuolo, Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Recovering gas turbine high-temperature exhaust heat using organic Rankine cycle with mixture as working fluid, Proceedings of ECOS 2016 - The 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Andrej Kitanovski, Alojz Poredos (ed.)

S. Sivaganesan, M. Chandrasekaran (2016) Impact of various compression ratio on the compression ignition engine with diesel and mahua biodiesel, International Journal of ChemTech Research 9(11), p. 63-70, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/755/1/011001

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Nicola Destro, Alberto Mirandola (2016) Optimal Design and Management of a Cogeneration System with Energy Storage, Proceedings of ECOS 2014 - The 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 124, p. -, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.09.036

Wenjie Wang, Shouqi Yuan, Ji Pei, Giorgio Pavesi, Yandong Gu, Ji Pei, Wenjie Wang, Shouqi Yuan, Giorgio Pavesi (2016) Experimental Investigation on Influence of Relative Positions between Diffuser and Volute on Pressure Fluctuation at the Outlet of a Centrifugal Pump, ASME 2016 Fluid Engineering Division summer Meeting FEDSM2016 1A-2016, p. 1-8, Washington: ASME, url, doi:10.1115/fedsm2016-7740

Jun Yang, Shouqi Yuan, Giorgio Pavesi, Chun Li, Zhou Ye, YUAN Shouqi, PAVESI Giorgio, LI Chun, YE Zhou, YE Zhou YANG, Jun, YUAN Shouqi, PAVESI Giorgio, LI Chun (2016) Study of Hump Instability Phenomena in Pump Turbine at Large Partial Flow Conditions on Pump Mode, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 52(24), p. 170, url, doi:10.3901/JME.2016.24.170


Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi (2015) Adaptive acceleration coefficients for a new search diversification strategy in particle swarm optimization algorithms, Information Sciences 299, p. 337-378, Elsevier Inc., url, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.12.024

Annie-Claude C. Bayeul-Lainé, Patrick Dupont, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Antoine Dazin, Patrick Cherdieu, Gérard Bois, Olivier Roussette (2015) Comparisons RANS and URANS numerical results with experiments in a vaned diffuser of a centrifugal pump, La Houille Blanche(2), p. 108-116,, url, doi:10.1051/lhb/20150026

Alberto Benato, M.R. Kærn, Leonardo Pierobon, Anna Stoppato, Fredrik Haglind (2015) Analysis of hot spots in boilers of organic Rankine cycle units during transient operation, Applied Energy 151(0), p. 119-131, url, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.04.055

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola, Nicola Destro (2015) Dynamic Simulation of a Three Pressure Level Heat Recovery Steam Generator, Proceedings of ECOS 2015 - The 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Mirandola (2015) Dynamic behaviour analysis of a three pressure level heat recovery steam generator during transient operation, Energy 90, p. 1595-1605, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/

Giovanna Cavazzini, Serena Bari, Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (2015) Thermodynamic optimization of Organic Rankine Cycles for low and ultra low grade waste heat recovery applications : influence of the working fluid on the ORC net power output, 8th International Conference on Energy Planning, Energy Saving, Environmental Education, p. 32-41

Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Alberto Santolin, Guido Ardizzon, Renzo Lorenzi, ..., Guido Ardizzon, Renzo Lorenzi (2015) Using splitter blades to improve suction performance of centrifugal impeller pumps, Institution of Mechanical Engineering 3(229), p. 309-323,, url, doi:10.1177/0957650914563364

Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Covi, Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (2015) Numerical Analysis of the S-Shape Characteristics in a Pump-Turbine, 11th European Turbomachinery Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-11

Giovanna Cavazzini, Paolo Dal Toso (2015) Techno-economic feasibility study of the integration of a commercial small-scale ORC in a real case study, Energy Conversion and Management 99, p. 161-175, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.04.043

A. Covi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, A. Cov, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2015) Numerical analysis of the S-shape characteristic in a pump-turbine, 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2015, p. 1-11

Federico Ferretto, Anna Stoppato, Nicola Destro, Alberto Benato (2015) Modelling of the Annual Performance of a CAES Plant and Relative Economic Analysis, Proceedings of ECOS 2015 - The 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, p. -

Alberto Mirandola, Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato (2015) Steam Power Generation, Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, p. 1-18, American Cancer Society, url, doi:10.1002/9781118991978.hces011

Giorgio Pavesi, Jun Yang, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2015) Experimental analysis of instability phenomena in a high-head reversible pump-turbine at large partial flow condition, 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2015, p. 1-2,, pdf

Juan Ignacio Pérez-Díaz, Manuel Chazarra, J. García-González, Giovanna Cavazzini, Anna Stoppato (2015) Trends and challenges in the operation of pumped-storage hydropower plants, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 44, p. 767-784, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.01.029

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Nicola Destro, Alberto Mirandola (2015) Optimal Design and Daily Operation of a Hybrid CHP System with Energy Storage, Proceedings of ECOS 2015 - The 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, p. -

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Alberto Mirandola (2015) Gas Turbines and Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, Oil and Natural gas - Energy Science & Technology, Stadium Press LLC

Jun Yang, Giorgio Pavesi, Shouqi Yuan, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon, ..., Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2015) Experimental Characterization of a Pump–Turbine in Pump Mode at Hump Instability Region, Journal of Fluids Engineering 137(5), p. 051109, …, url, doi:10.1115/1.4029572


Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi (2014) A new generation of small hydro and pumped-hydro power plants: Advances and future challenges, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31, p. 746-761, url, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.12.043

Annie-Claude C Bayeul-Lainé, Patrick Dupont, L. Miccoli, ..., Giovanna Cavazzini, Antoine Dazin, Giorgio Pavesi, Gérard Bois (2014) Fluid leakage effect on analysis of a vaned diffuser of SHF, 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2014, p. 1-8,, pdf

Alberto Benato, Leonardo Pierobon, Fredrik Haglind, Anna Stoppato, Leonardo Pierobon, Fredrik Haglind (2014) Dynamic Performance of a Combined Gas Turbine and Air Bottoming Cycle Plant for Off-shore Applications, Proceedings of the ASME 2014. 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis 2, p. -, doi:10.1115/ESDA2014-20105

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Stefano Bracco (2014) Dynamic Behaviour Analysis of a Single Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator during Cycling Operation, Proceedings of ECOS 2014 - The 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Stefano Bracco (2014) Combined cycle power plants: A comparison between two different dynamic models to evaluate transient behaviour and residual life, Energy Conversion and Management 87, p. 1269-1280, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2014.06.017

Sergio Marinetti, Giovanna Cavazzini, Igor Lauri, Samuele Testa, Silvia Minetto (2014) Numerical and experimental analysis of the air flow distribution in the cooling duct of a display cabinet, International Journal of Refrigeration 42, p. 8-13, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2014.02.009

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, J. Yang, ..., G. Ardizzon (2014) Flow Phenomena Related to the Unstable Energy-Discharge Characteristic of a Pump-Turbine in Pump Mode, 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC 2014, p. 1-8,, pdf

Leonaro Pierobon, Alberto Benato, Enrica Scolari, Fredrik Haglind, Anna Stoppato (2014) Waste heat recovery technologies for offshore platforms, Applied Energy 136(0), p. 228-241, url, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.08.109

A. Rossetti, G. Pavesi, ..., G. Ardizzon, A. Santolin (2014) Numerical Analyses of Cavitating Flow in a Pelton Turbine, Journal of Fluids Engineering 136(8), p. 081304, …, url, doi:10.1115/1.4027139

Anna Stoppato, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Benato, Nicola Destro, Guido Ardizzon (2014) Optimal Design and Management of a Hybrid Photovoltaic-Pump Hydro Energy Storage System, Volume 2: Dynamics, Vibration and Control; Energy; Fluids Engineering; Micro and Nano Manufacturing 2, p. V002T09A023, Copenhagen, Denmark: ASME, url, doi:10.1115/ESDA2014-20542

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Giovanna Cavazzini, Nicola Destro, Guido Ardizzon (2014) Optimal Design and Management of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Pump Hydro Energy Storage System, Proceedings of the ASME 2014. 12 th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis -, doi:10.1115/ESDA2014-20542

Anna Stoppato, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon, Antonio Rossetti (2014) A PSO (particle swarm optimization)-based model for the optimal management of a small PV(Photovoltaic)-pump hydro energy storage in a rural dry area, Energy 76, p. 168-174, url, doi:10.1016/


Annie-Claude Bayeul-Lainé, Patrick Dupont, Giovanna Cavazzini, Patrick Cherdieu, Antoine Dazin, Gérard Bois, Olivier Roussette (2013) Comparison between numerical calculations and measurements in vaned diffuser of SHF impeller, Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering 31(12), p. 1013-1019, url

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Stefano Bracco (2013) A comparison between two different approaches aimed at simulating the behavior of combined cycles in transient conditions, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems

Alberto Benato, Anna Stoppato, Mirandola Alberto (2013) Influenza delle variazioni di carico sulla vita degli impianti termoelettrici, La Termotecnica LXVII(3), p. 51-54

Giovanna Cavazzini, Patrick Dupont, Antoine Dazin, Giorgio Pavesi, A.C. C. Bayeul, Gérard Bois, Annie-Claude Bayeul-Lainé, Gérard Bois, A.C. C. Bayeul, Gérard Bois (2013) Unsteady velocity piv measurements and 3D numerical calculation comparisons inside the impeller of a radial pump model, 10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2013, p. 1-10

G. Pavesi, A. Rossetti, A. Santolin, G. Ardizzon (2013) Numerical Analyses of a Cavitating Pelton Turbine, 10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2013, p. 1-12

A. Rossetti, G. Pavesi (2013) Comparison of different numerical approaches to the study of the H-Darrieus turbines start-up, Renewable Energy 50, p. 7-19

A. Rossetti, G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, A. Santolin, G. Ardizzon (2013) Influence of the bucket geometry on the Pelton performance, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 228(1), p. 33-45, Professional Engineering Publishing, url, doi:10.1177/0957650913506589

A. Santolin, G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon (2013) Variable-speed Pelton turbine for an efficient exploitation of the reserved flow: an Italian case study, HYDRO 2013 - Promoting the Versatile Role of Hydro

Anna Stoppato, Giovanna Cavazzini, Alberto Benato (2013) Influenza degli impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili sulle strategie di gestione del sistema energetico, Atti e Memorie dell’Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova. Parte II. Memorie della Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali

Jun Yang, Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Shouqi Q. Yuan (2013) Numerical characterization of pressure instabilities in a vaned centrifugal pump under partload condition, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 52(2), p. 022-044,, url, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/52/2/022044


Nicola Bianchi, Silverio Bolognani, Emanuele Fornasiero, Mattia Morandin, Giorgio Pavesi, ..., Mattia Morandin, Giorgio Pavesi (2012) Optimal drive and machine sizing for a self starting, vertical axis, low power wind generator, 2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition, ENERGYCON 2012, p. 178-183,, url, doi:10.1109/EnergyCon.2012.6347747

G. Cavazzini, A. Dazin, G. Pavesi, P. Dupont, G. Bois (2012) Post-processing methods of PIV instantaneous flow fields for unsteady flows in turbomachines, The Particle Image Velocimetry - Characteristics, Limits and Possible Applications,, url, doi:10.5772/37273

G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2012) Influence of the Return Channel Geometry on the Perfomance Stability of a Centrifugal Pump, 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC-14 February 27th - March 2nd, 2012(January 2016), p. 1-8

R. Debuchy, G. Bois, F. Abdel Nour, G. Pavesi (2012) Theoretical Modelling of the Turbulent Flow in a Rotor-Stator Cavity Subjected to a Superimposed Centrifugal Flow., 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, p. 1-6

Sergio Marinetti, Giovanna Cavazzini, Laura Fedele, Francesco De Zan, Pierluigi Schiesaro (2012) Air velocity distribution analysis in the air duct of a display cabinet by PIV technique, International Journal of Refrigeration 35(8), p. 2321-2331, url, doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2012.07.017

Andrea Rinaldi, Fabi Abdel Nour, Roger Debuchy, Gerard Bois, Giorgio Pavesi (2012) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of an Opened Rotor-Stator Cavity Subjected to a Forced Radial Inflow, 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC-14, p. 1-8

Anna Stoppato, Alberto Benato, Alberto Mirandola (2012) Assessment of stresses and residual life of plant components in view of life-time extension of power plants, Proceedings of ECOS 2012 - The 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulations and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 4, p. 104-113


Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2011) Pressure instabilities in a vaned centrifugal pump, ETC 9 - 9th European Turbomachinery Conference 225(7), p. 1-10,, url, doi:10.1177/0957650911410643

Giovanna Cavazzini, Patrick Dupont, Giorgio Pavesi, Antoine Dazin, Gérard Bois, Abdelmadjid Atif, Patrick Cherdieu (2011) Analysis of Unsteady Flow Velocity Fields Inside the Impeller of a Radial Flow Pump: PIV Measurements and Numerical Calculation Comparisons, ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference: Volume 1, Symposia – Parts A, B, C, and D 1(PARTS A, B, C, D), p. 747-754, Hamamatsu, Japan: ASME, url, doi:10.1115/AJK2011-22055

a. Dazin, G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, P. Dupont, ..., S. Coudert, G. Ardizzon, G. Caignaert, G. Bois (2011) High-speed stereoscopic PIV study of rotating instabilities in a radial vaneless diffuser, Experiments in … 51(1), p. 83-93, Springer, url, doi:10.1007/s00348-010-1030-x

G. Pavesi, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon (2011) Miniature single disk viscous pumps, ETC 9 - 9th European Turbomachinery Conference, p. 1-11

G. Pavesi, A. Dazin, G. Cavazzini, G. Caignaert, G. Bois, G. Ardizzon (2011) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Un-Forced Unsteadiness in a Vaneless Radial Diffuser, ETC 9 - 9th European Turbomachinery Conference(1989), p. 1-12

A. Rossetti, A. Santolin, G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2011) Analysis of pelton bucket efficiency, ETC 9 - 9th European Turbomachinery Conference, p. 1-10, url

A. Santolin, G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti, ... (2011) Techno-economical method for the capacity sizing of a small hydropower plant, Energy Conversion and Management 52(7), p. 2533-2541, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2011.01.001


Marco Raciti Castelli, Giorgio Pavesi, Lorenzo Battisti, Ernesto Benini, Guido Ardizzon (2010) Modeling Strategy and Numerical Validation for a Darrieus Vertical Axis Micro-Wind Turbine, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2010) Vol. 7(IMECE2010-39548), p. pp. 409 - 418, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), url, doi:10.1115/IMECE2010-39548

Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (2010) Validation of an analysis method for particle image velocimetry of turbulent unsteady flows in turbomachinery, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 224(5), p. 679-689,, url, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE889

Antoine Dazin, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, Guido Ardizzon, Guy CAIGNAERT, Gérard Bois, Antoine Dazin, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, S. Coudert, Guy CAIGNAERT, Gérard Bois, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, Guido Ardizzon, Guy CAIGNAERT, Gérard Bois, Antoine Dazin, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, S. Coudert, Guy CAIGNAERT, Gérard Bois, Guido Ardizzon (2010) Rotating Instabilities in a Radial Vaneless Diffuser, 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2010 (ISROMAC-13), p. 1-6

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon (2010) Time–Frequency Characterization of a Rotating Multi-Lobes Pressure Fluctuation in a Centrifugal Vaned Pump: Experimental Investigation, 13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery 2010, ISROMAC-13, p. 1-8

a. Rossetti, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2010) A new two stage miniature pump: Design, experimental characterization and numerical analyses, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 164(1-2), p. 74-87, doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.09.003


G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, P. Dupont, S. Coudert, G. Caignaert, G. Bois, ... (2009) Analysis of the Rotor-Stator Interaction in a Radial Flow Pump, La Houille Blanche(5), p. 141-151,, url, doi:10.1051/lhb/2009067

Giovanna Cavazzini, Antoine Dazin, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, Sebastien Coudert, Guido Ardizzon, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois (2009) Rotating Instabilities in a Radial Vaneless Diffuser Part II : Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results, 8th Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-10

Antoine Dazin, Giovanna Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Patrick Dupont, Sebastien Coudert, ..., Guido Ardizzon, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois, ..., Guido Ardizzon, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois, ..., Guido Ardizzon, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois, ..., Guido Ardizzon, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois (2009) Rotating Instabilities in a Radial Vaneless Diffuser - Part I: High Speed Stereoscopic Measurements, 8th Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-10, pdf

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon (2009) Experimental Charactization of Rotating Instabilities in a Centrifugal Pump, ETC 8 - 8th European Turbomachinery Conference, pdf

G. Pavesi, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon (2009) Innotive Two- Stage Miniature Pump, 8th Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-10

G. Pavesi, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon (2009) Innovative Two-Stage Miniature Pump, 8th Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics v, p. 1-10

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon (2009) A procedure for the design of radial cascade diffusers based on the maximum ratio between flow deflection and total pressure loss coefficient, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 223(7), p. 849-861, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE643

A. Rossetti, G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (2009) Experimental and numerical analyses of micro rotary shaft pumps, Journal of Micromechanics and … 19(12), p. 125013,, url, doi:10.1088/0960-1317/19/12/125013

A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini (2009) An optimum design procedure for an aerodynamic radial diffuser with incompressible flow at different Reynolds numbers, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 224(1), p. 69-84, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE797

Alberto Santolin, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi, ..., Giorgio Pavesi (2009) Numerical investigation of the interaction between jet and bucket in a Pelton turbine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 223(6), Marcello Manna, Colin Scrivener, Francesco Martelli (ed.), p. 721-728,, url, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE824


G. Cavazzini, A. Dazin, G. Pavesi, P. Dupont, S. Coudert, G. Caignaert, G. Bois, G. Ardizzon, G. Cavazzini, G. Pavesi, P. Dupont, G. Ardizzon, G. Caignaert, G. Bois, A. Dazin, G. Pavesi, P. Dupont, S. Coudert, G. Caignaert, G. Bois, G. Ardizzon (2008) Rotating Instabilities in a Radial Vaneless Diffuser, IAHR 24th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, p. 1-10

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon (2008) Time-frequency characterization of rotating instabilities in a centrifugal pump with a vaned diffuser, International journal of rotating … 29(5), p. 1527-1540,, url, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2008.06.008

G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini, G. Ardizzon (2008) A Time-Frequency Post-Processing Technique for Characterization of the Unsteady Phenomena in the Turbomachines., XIX Biannual Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery Transonic and Supersonic Flow in Cascades and Turbomachines MTT1908-A6, p. 1-5

G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti (2008) Effect of impeller and volute design on the performance of a miniature rotary shaft pump (RSP), 12th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and …

Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Guido Ardizzon (2008) Time-frequency characterization of the unsteady phenomena in a centrifugal pump, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 29(5), p. 1527-1540, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2008.06.008


G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti, G. Ardizzon, A. Rossetti (2007) On the performance of a miniature rotary shaft pump (RSP), Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2007, p. 1-10

Giorgio Pavesi, Giovanna Cavazzini, Patrick Dupont, Sebastien Coudert, Guy Caignaert, Gérard Bois, Guido Ardizzon (2007) Rotor-stator interactions in a radial flow pump, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2007


Guy Caignaert, Guido Ardizzon (2006) Analysis of rotor-stator interactions effects within the vaned diffuser of a radial flow pump, 23rd IAHR Symposium - Yokohama 1(October), p. 1-10

G Pavesi (2006) Impeller volute and diffuser interaction, DTIC Document

G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon, G. Cavazzini (2006) Experimental and computation investigation of the rotating instability in a centrifugal pump impeller, Proceedings of ISROMAC2006: The Eleventh International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, p. 1-10


P. Dupont, S. Coudert, G. Caignaert, G. Bois (2005) Rotor-stator interactions in a vaned diffuser radial flow pump, Proceedings of 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2005 2005, p. 976-983, url, doi:10.1115/FEDSM2005-77038

Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini (2005) Unsteady Flow Field and Noise Generation in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller With a Vaneless Diffuser, 2005 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2005 77320, p. 1331-1338, Houston, TX, USA: …, url, doi:10.1115/FEDSM2005-77320

Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini, G. Pavesi G.; Ardizzon, G.; Cavazzini, Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini (2005) Rotating Instability in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 261 FED(1), p. 1-9, url, doi:10.1115/imece2005-79937

Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini (2005) Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Unsteady Flow Field and Noise Generation in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-10


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini (2004) Una procedura per il progetto fluidodinamico di diffusori palettati., ATI. 59° Congresso ATI, p. 1-10

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2004) Analysis of Unsteady Flows in a Vaned Diffuser Radial Flow Pump, The 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery ISROMAC-10, p. 1-7

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Cavazzini (2004) Indagine Sperimentale dell'Interazione Rotore-Statore in una Pompa Centrifuga, MIS-MAC VIII - Metodi e Sperimentazioni nelle Macchine., p. 1-10

Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (2004) Analysis of unsteady impeller diffuser interaction in a centrifugal pump, 22nd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems 1(14), p. 1-14

Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon, Giovanna Cavazzini (2004) Numerical and Experimental Investigations on a Centrifugal Pump With and Without a Vaned Diffuser, ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Fluids Engineering 260, p. 485-493, Anaheim, California, USA: ASME, pdf, doi:10.1115/imece2004-59544


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2003) Influence of the stator_rotor interaction on reverse flow at off design operation, 5th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, p. 1-10

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2003) Sulla Progettazione dei Canali di Ritorno di Turbomacchine Centrifughe Multistadio, 58° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1-10


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2002) Comportamento Fluidodinamico di una Voluta al Variare della Portata e della Direzione del Deflusso, ATI. 57° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 59-66

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2002) Off-Design Behaviour of a Radial Flow Hydraulic Turbine, 6th Biennal Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, p. 619-628

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2002) Analisi Numerica e Sperimentale delle Prestazioni di una Turbina Idraulica al Variare delle Condizioni di Esercizio, ATI. 57° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 67-74

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2002) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Recirculation Flows at Impeller Inlet and Outlet of a Centrifugal Pump Operating at Part-load, Engin Soft Trading. Virtual Prototyping Today: Industrial Impact and Future Trends, p. 225-243


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (2001) Portata di Fuga e Perdite per Ventilazione nelle Turbomacchine: Confronto tra Risultati Sperimentali e Predizioni Numeriche, 55° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 289-300, Napoli: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, E. Benini (2001) Funzionamento ai Carichi Parziali di una Turbina Idraulica, 3° Congresso Minihydro

Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi, Ernesto Benini (2001) Stallo e Ricircolazione ai Carichi Parziali di una Turbopompa: Confronto tra Risultati Sperimentali e Predizioni Numeriche, 55° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 301-312


Antonio Dario Martegani, Giorgio Pavesi, C. Barbetta (2000) Experimental investigation of interaction of plain jet fans mounted in series, BHR Group 2000 Vehicle Tunnels, p. 1055-1078

Giuseppe Ventrone, Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (2000) Direct and reverse flow conditions in radial flow hydraulic turbomachines, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 214(6), p. 635-644, url, doi:10.1243/0957650001538155


Ardizzon G.; Pavesi G. (1999) Analisi Sperimentale della Caratteristica Interna di una Turbomacchina ai Carichi Parziali, MIS - MAC VI Metodi di Sperimentazione nelle Macchine, p. 63-74, Genova: SGE - Padova


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1999) Funzionamento Inverso di una Pompa Centrifuga. Previsione delle Prestazioni e Confronto con i Dati Sperimentali, 54° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1383-1395, L’Aquila: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1999) Modelli di Perdita nelle Turbomacchine, Previsione delle Prestazioni e Verifica Sperimentale, 54° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1397-1408, L'Aquila: SGE - Padova


Ardizzon G.; Pavesi G. (1998) Valutazione Sperimentale delle Perdite per Ventilazione nelle Turbomacchine_Influenza della Portata di Fuga e della Geometria del Meato di Trafilamento, ATI. 53° Congresso Nazionale 53° Congresso Nazionale, p. 913 - 924, Firenze: SGE - Padova

Ardizzon G.; Pavesi G.; Ventrone G., G. Ardizzon, i G. Paves, G. Ventrone (1998) Analisi Sperimentale del Moto e delle Perdite Fluidodinamiche in una Turbina Francis, 53° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 925-936, Firenze: SGE - Padova

Ardizzon G.; Pavesi G.; Ventrone G., G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ventrone (1998) Innesco Nella Ricircolazione Ai Carichi Parziali Nelle Turbomacchine Operatrici Idrauliche, MIS -MAC V Metodi di Sperimentazione nelle Macchine, p. 27-37, Roma: SGE- Padova

Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (1998) Optimum incidence angle in centrifugal pumps and radial inflow turbines, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 212(2), p. 97-107, url, doi:10.1243/0957650981536628

Giuseppe Ventrone, Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi, Ventrone G., Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (1998) Flow Configurations in Centrifugal Pumps Used as Turbines, 2nd International Minihydro Conference(september), p. 5-8


A. D. Martegani, G. Pavesi, C. Barbetta, ... (1997) The influence of separation, inclination, and swirl on single and coupled jet fans installation efficiency, 9th International Symposium on Aerodynamics & Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels, Aosta: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING …

Ventrone G. Pavesi G., Ardizzon G. (1997) Influenza degli Elementi Statorici sulle Prestazioni ai Carichi Parziali delle Turbomacchine Operatrici Centrifughe, 52° Congresso Nazionale ATI, SGE (ed.), p. 829 - 840


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ventrone (1996) Ricircolazione nelle Giranti Centrifughe ai Carichi Parziali, 51° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1275-1283, Udine: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ventrone (1996) Condizioni di Incidenza Ottimale nelle Turbomacchine, 51° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1285-1296, Udine: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi, G. Ventrone (1996) Progettazione Parametrica nelle Turbomacchine, Turbomacchine 96, p. 195-205, Genova: SGE - Padova

R. Pallabazzer, G. Mancuso, R. Dal Maschio, G. Pavesi (1996) Diagnosi Acustica della Cavitazione Erosiva su Profili (Risultati Preliminari), 51° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1001-1011

R. Pallabazzer, G. Mancuso, R. Dal Maschio, G. Pavesi (1996) Diagnosi Acustica della Cavitazione Erosiva su Profili (Risultati Preliminari), 51° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1001-1011


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1995) Sull'Impiego del Coefficiente di sostentamento nella Progettazione delle Turbomacchine Radiali. Parte I - Sviluppo Teorico, 50° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1517-1528, St. Vincent: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1995) Sull'Impiego del Coefficiente di sostentamento nella Progettazione delle Turbomacchine Radiali. Parte II - Valori Limite del Coefficiente di Sostentamento per le Giranti Centrifughe., 50° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1529-1540, St. Vincent: SGE - Padova

Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (1995) Theoretical Evaluation of the Effects of the Impeller Entrance Geometry and of the Incident Angle on Cavitation Inception in Centrifugal Pumps, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 209(1), p. 29-38, doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1995_209_119_02


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1994) Ottimizzazione della Geometria della Bocca di Aspirazione delle Pompe Centrifughe nei Riguardi dell'Innesco della Cavitazione, 49° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1533-1544, Perugia: SGE - Padova

G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1994) Caratterizzazione Sperimentale del Comportamento a Cavitazione delle Pompe Centrifughe: Confronto fra Metodologie Convenzionali e Tecniche di Analisi Acustica, 49° Congresso Nazionale ATI, p. 1559-1570, Perugia: SGE - Padova

Guido Ardizzon, Giorgio Pavesi (1994) Numerical Prediction and Experimental Evaluation of Cavitation Inception on Centrifugal Pump Impeller, FED-Vol. 190, Cavitation and _Gas-Liquid Flow in Fluid Machinery and Devices 190, p. 1-10, doi:10.1126/science.7.181.824

A D Martegani, G Pavesi, C Barbetta (1994) An experimental study on the longitudinal ventilation system, Proceedings of BHR Group, …,, pdf

G. Pavesi, D. Martegani, C. Barbetta (1994) Uno Studio Sperimentale sulla Ventilazione Longitudinale nelle Gallerie, Ventilia (rivista di ventilazione civile ed … 37, p. 2-7


G Ardizzon, G Pavesi, G Villani (1993) Rilievo delle Condizioni di Innesco della Cavitazione Mediante Misure di Rumore, Proc. MIS-M4C II, G. Manfrida et al., ed., …

G. Pavesi, G. Ardizzon (1993) Sulla Progettazione delle Turbopompe Centrifughe nei Riguardi della Cavitazione, Congresso Nazionale "Macchine e Apparecchiature Idrauliche", p. 543-562


G Ardizzon, G Pavesi (1992) Experimental study on cavitation in centrifugal pump impellers, 47. ATI national congress II, p. 847 - 856,, url

Giorgio Pavesi, Guido Ardizzon (1992) On the choice of the vane curvature of centrifugal impellers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD 47, p. 31-38, American Society of Mechanical …


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1990) Influence of the blade stacking on the flow through an axial flow runner and predictions of three-dimensional and quasi three-dimensional numerical codes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 204(6), doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1990_204_119_02


G. Ardizzon, G. Navarro, G. Pavesi (1988) Codici di Calcolo per le Turbomacchine e loro Sperimentazione, L'Energia Elettica 6, p. 287-291

G. Pavesi (1988) Modello di Calcolo ed Analisi della Corrente in Turbine a Flusso Centripeto, Incontro sulla Ricerca nel Campo delle Turbomacchine Motrici, p. 277-290, Genova: PFE


G. Ardizzon, G. Pavesi (1987) Effects of mechanical losses on the affinity characteristics of turbopumps., FLUID APPARECCHIATURE IDRAUL. & PNEUM. 27(276 , Apr. 1987)

A. Mirandola, A. Macor, G. Pavesi (1987) Investigation into Design Criteria, Matching and Performance of Gas-Steam Binary Cycle Plans, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES 3

A. Mirandola, A. Macor, G. Pavesi (1987) Un Modello di Calcolo e di Simulazione di Impianti Combinati Gas-Vapore, 1° Congresso Nazionale Gruppi Combinati Prospettive Tecniche ed Economiche, p. 97-118, Bologna: Pitagora Editrice Bologna

Giorgio Pavesi (1987) Technical Considerations on Cogeneration Systems with Gas Turbines., Energie alternative. HTE 9(45), p. 36 - 44


G. Navarro, G. Pavesi (1984) Scorrimento della Corrente Relativa nelle Giranti Operatrici, 39° Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Termotecnica Italiana - ATI, p. 301-312, L'Aquila: SGE - Padova