What is K-INN Lab?
K-INN Lab started out as a research group focused on reaction kinetics (hence our name: Kinetics INNovation Laboratory). Over the years, we built expertise in a variety of diverse fields, applying experimental and modeling approaches to thermal and chemical processes, often involving multiple phases, on different scales.
Learn more about our projectsWe created a companion spin-off company, K-INN Tech, to apply our science-driven approach to industrial scale applications, working as an outsourced R&D department for companies that aim at optimizing their processes.

Interested in our reserach topics?
Join us for a PhD
Doctoral Programme “UNIPhD – Training the next-generation talents” at the University of Padua (Italy), Academic Year 2022/23 | Call deadline 8 March 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
Global call for applications “UNIPhD – Eight century legacy of multidisciplinary research and training for the next-generation talents” . This PhD Programme targets the most promising Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) willing to join the University of Padua from all over the world to pursue a brand new International, Intersectoral, Interdisciplinary and Innovative “training through research” experience.
50 full time fellowships are on offer. Each fellowship is associated to a research topic, that is a framework within which every applicant has to propose an original research project in collaboration with a Supervisor at the University of Padua. Contact paolo.canu@unipd.it to doscuss your idea
Selected ESRs benefit from very attractive employment conditions and will be recruited through a 3-year contract starting 1 October 2022. Administrative clarifications can be addressed to msca.cofund@unipd.it.
We have a wide array of research topics, often involving the integration of an experimental and a modeling approaches.
Click here to see the full list of projectsFACILITIES
Our lab is developed around flexibility: we adjust our equipment to suit the tasks at hand, or build it from scratch if it needs to be
Click here to learn more about our labPUBLICATIONS
Over the years, we contributed to scientific knowledge by producing a number of publications, spanning several different topics
Click here to see the full publications listWhat are the things that make us great?
We are engineers (chemical, enviromental and energy ones), chemists and material scientist. Different backgrounds mean a wide array of skills
We don’t just conduct academic research, we also have collaborations with industries, helping them with technology transfer and the optimization of their processes
We collaborate with other research groups, exchanging with them ideas and know-how, thereby gaining access to different knowledge and resources to solve problems
We venture into different fields, gaining expertise along the way. This flexbility means we are always ready to tackle new challenges