Tag: award

Best oral presentation at ESG15 – NCM15 – SGT!

Congratulations to our PhD student Giulia Tameni for winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 15th European Society of Glass Conference in Cambridge! She presented her work, ‘Understanding molecular mechanisms of glass-based alkali-activated materials’. The judges awarded her based on innovation potential and research quality, as well as social, economic, and environmental impacts.  …
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Best poster presentation in yCAM2024!

Congratulations to our PhD student Subhadip Bhandari on winning the Best Poster Presentation Award at the yCAM2024 conference held in Tampere! The awardees are invited to present their work at the next AM Ceramics conference, with registration and travel costs fully covered by Lithoz GmbH.   Onwards and upwards!

Best oral presentation award at the 53rd JdA

Congratulations to our post-doc Dr. Alice Zanini on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 53rd Journées des Actinides international conference held in Lille, France! The award recognizes an excellent oral presentation given by a young scientist.   Onwards and upwards!  

L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards

Congratulations to Akansha for winning the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards. We are happy to see this as a result of Akansha’s training stay at our lab, concerning upcycling technologies for waste glasses! You can take a look at her research work here: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.06.059 https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma15113784

Best oral presentation in yCAM2023

Congratulations to our PhD student Marco D’Agostini on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the yCAM2023 conference held in Leoben! The awardees are invited to present their work at the next AM Ceramics conference, with registration and travel costs fully covered by Lithoz GmbH.   Onwards and upwards!  

Awarded at the 47th ICACC

CerAMglass conquered Daytona! Together with Prof. Paolo Colombo, who received the Bridge Building Award, we are also happy to celebrate Dr Giorgia Franchin who won the Global Star Award! Such recognition is given from ACerS and recognizes active volunteers for their contributions to the Engineering Ceramics Division and to the technical program of the 47th…
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Awarded at the 45th ICACC Best Poster Contest

The 45th ICACC conference was held virtually from 8-12 February 2021. ICACC 2021 had the largest number of attendees for a virtual conference to date. The week-long conference welcomed 836 attendees, including 236 students, from 41 countries to participate in 18 symposia and four focused sessions, which featured over 680 submitted abstracts. Thirty-two live networking…
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Awarded at the MS&T20 Poster Contest

The Materials Science & Technology 2020 Technical Meeting & Exhibition (MS&T20) was held virtually from 2-6 November 2020. Registrants watched live plenary and award sessions, visited the virtual exhibit hall, participated in multiple student events and contests, and had access to hundreds of on-demand technical presentations and posters. Congratulations to our PhD student Anna De…
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