Competitive Projects

DI-Vision – Traceable machine vision systems for digital industrial applications

HE EURAMET (2024-27) 

ADAM – Application of Digital-Metrological Twins for emerging measurement technology in advanced manufacturing

HE EURAMET (2024-27)

TOPMeas – User-centered training for optical measurements in digitalized manufacturing processes

Erasmus+ KA2 (2023-26) 

ViDiT – Trustworthy virtual experiments and digital twins

Horizon Europe (2023-26) 

Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (MICS) – Additive Manufacturing

PNRR PE11 Spoke 6 (2023-25)

Sustainable Mobility Center – Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile (MOST)

PNRR Spoke 11 (2022-25)

Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem – iNEST 

PNRR (2022-25) 

SERENADE – Sensors and Eco-fRiendly food-grade matErials for a sustaiNable and smArt fooD storagE and quality monitoring

H2020-MSCA (2022-25)

NEMESI – 4D manufacturing based on 3D printing and machining for Nitinol biomedical and sensing applications

PRIN – (2023-25)

FULL RECYCLE – Finalizing processes for multi-material based Functionally Graded billets and wires obtained through solid state recycling operations of aluminum alloy chips

PRIN – (2023-25) 

ADVANCE – ADhesiVe free Fibre Metal LAminates fabricatioN for aerospaCE applications 

PRIN (2023-25) 

SIMPPER_MedDev – Surface Integrity for Micro/Nano Processing of Polymers: High-performance Medical Devices


xCTing – Enabling X-ray XCT based industry 4.0 process chains by training next generation research experts


Agile – Manifattura AGILE per la competitività e l’innovazione di prodotto

POR-FESR (2014-20)

EUCoM – Standards for the evaluation of the uncertainty of coordinate measurements in industry

H2020-EMPIR (2018-21)

Train4DiM – Training for Dimensional Metrology in Digital Manufacturing 

Erasmus+ KA2 (2020-23)

PREFAM – European framework for continuous professional development in precision engineering for advanced manufacturing

Erasmus+ KA2(2019-22)

TEMART – Tecnologie e materiali per la manifattura artistica, i Beni Culturali, l’arredo, il decoro architettonico e urbano e il design del futuro 

POR-FESR (2017-20)

PAM^2 – Precision Additive Metal Manufacturing 

H2020-MSCA (2016-20)

CoMeT – European Training for Coordinate Metrology 4.0 

Erasmus+ KA2 (2016-19)

GPSToolbrequirementsox – Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as toolbox to meet up-to-date technical

Erasmus+ KA2 (2015-18)

INTERAQCT – International Network for the Training of Early stage Researchers on Advanced Quality control by Computed Tomography

FP7-PEOPLE (2013-17)

HOTGAUGE – Measurement of complex and freeform shaped parts at elevated temperature

EUROSTARS (2011-14)