
Team work at its finest!

A big spring-clean activity at our laboratories today! Thanks to all the ones involved in making everything organized and tidy 💪​  

Best Poster Award at ICACC2024

Congratulations to our PhD student Subhadip Bhandari on winning the Trustee Award of the Best Poster Award at the 48th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC2024)! Onwards and upwards!

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays from the CerAMglass, Hymat and NanoEng research groups!

Another brick…on the Moon!

The groundbreaking two-year GLAMS Project (Geopolimeri per Additive Manufacturing e Monitoraggio Lunare) is delivering its first incredible results! In an exclusive interview with TGR on Italian television, Prof. Giorgia Franchin and Dr. Marco D’Agostini unveiled innovative techniques to construct houses on the Moon using regolith from the lunar soil! This could redefine the future of…
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New graduated Doctor from the XXXVI Cohort!

Congratulations to Dr. Marco D’Agostini, Dr. Alice Zanini, Dr. Mattia Muracchioli and Dr. Filippo Da Rin Betta who successfully graduated as XXXVI Cohort’s PhDs!

Murano3D in Venice

On October 21st, the conference MURANO 3D: INNOVAZIONE E SOSTENIBILITA’ PER IL VETRO ARTISTICO took place in the amazing venue of the Barovier & Toso artisan glassmaking factory in Murano, Venice. Prof. Paolo Colombo and Dr Filippo Gobbin presented the results of the D3Vero project, POR FESR 2014 – 2020 az. 1.1.4, and the prospective of…
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Autumn School with the GRK 2802

On the 10th of October, we had the pleasure of hosting the International Joint Workshop the Autumn School of the Research Training Group GRK 2802 (TU BAF, Germany), titled: “Refractory Recycling: contribution for raw materials, energy, and climate efficiency in high-temperature processes”! A full day of interesting talks (including Prof. Paolo Colombo, Dr FIlippo Gobbin,…
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Ranked in 2024 Stanford study of the world’s top 2% of scientists

Bravissimi! For the forth consecutive year, the study conducted by Stanford University recognized Prof. Paolo Colombo, Prof. Enrico Bernardo and Dr. Hamada Elsayed as two of the world’s most-cited researchers in the field Materials. The authors created a publicly available database of over 100,000 top-scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index,…
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Shaping9 in Warsaw

Last week (25th to 27th of September 2024), the 9th Shaping Conference took place in Warsaw, Poland. Our post-docs Dr. Filippo Gobbin and Dr. Anna De Marzi took an active part at the conference by presenting their works during the oral and poster presentations! And look at the picture..they also found some old company!

22nd International Sol-Gel Conference in Berlin

Between the 1st and the 6th of September 2024, the 22nd international Sol-Gel conference took place in Berlin, Germany. Prof. Paolo Colombo, alongside our post-doc Dr. Alice Zanini, presented their works!   

Best Poster Award at Electroceramics XIX

Congratulations to our PhD student Annalaura Zilio on winning the Best Poster Contest at the XIX Elctroceramics Conference held in Vilnius (19-22.08.24)! She works with the support of a scholarship co-sponsored by PNRR funds (DM 117/2023) and DeAngeli Prodotti [] on developing novel materials for electrical insulation, particularly from silicone polymers. Annalaura presented a novel…
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Best oral presentation at ESG15 – NCM15 – SGT!

Congratulations to our PhD student Giulia Tameni for winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 15th European Society of Glass Conference in Cambridge! She presented her work, ‘Understanding molecular mechanisms of glass-based alkali-activated materials’. The judges awarded her based on innovation potential and research quality, as well as social, economic, and environmental impacts.  …
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Best Poster Award at Le Mille Vite del Vetro 2024

During the Le Mille Vite del Vetro 2024 conference, held in Venezia, Italy on the 24th of May, Dr. Hamada Elsayed received the Best Poster Award. Many congratulations, Hamada! Onward and upwards!

1st place at the YCN Photo Contest 2024!

Congratulations to our PhD student Subhadip Bhandari and post-doc Dr. Anna De Marzi for winning the 1st price at the YCN (Young Ceramists Network) Photo Contest 2024 with its SEM image titled “A ray of hope” which depicts the very typical exaggerated grain growth of hexagonal BaTiO3 when sintered in N2 atmosphere at 1400 °C…
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Best poster presentation in yCAM2024!

Congratulations to our PhD student Subhadip Bhandari on winning the Best Poster Presentation Award at the yCAM2024 conference held in Tampere! The awardees are invited to present their work at the next AM Ceramics conference, with registration and travel costs fully covered by Lithoz GmbH.   Onwards and upwards!

yCAM2024 in Tampere

During the past week – from the 6th to the 8th of May 2024 – the CerAMglass delegation took an active part at the yCAM2024 in Tampere, Finland! They also had the chance to meet up with some old friends, Andy Gleadall – participating as an invited speaker at the conference talking about his FullControl…
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Best oral presentation award at the 53rd JdA

Congratulations to our post-doc Dr. Alice Zanini on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 53rd Journées des Actinides international conference held in Lille, France! The award recognizes an excellent oral presentation given by a young scientist.   Onwards and upwards!  

New graduated Doctor from the XXXV Cohort!

Congratulations to Dr. Anna De Marzi who successfully graduated as XXXV Cohort’s PhD!  

48th ICACC in Daytona Beach

Last week (28th January to 2nd of February 2023), the 48th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) took place at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. Prof. Paolo Colombo, Enrico Bernardo, Lisa Biasetto, and Giorgia Franchin presented their works, alongside to our post-doc and Ph.D. students…
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yCAM2024 call for abstracts

We are happy to announce that yCAM 2024 will take place from the 6th to the 8th of May 2024 at the University of Tampere, Finland! Since its first edition in 2016, the scope of yCAM has been to provide a place for open and honest discussions, combining high-quality scientific presentations with a fresh and informal…
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New Vice President in I.Cer.S.

We are happy to share that the Italian Ceramic Society has updated its directive board and appointed Prof. Paolo Colombo as the new Vice President! Bravo toso!

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays to everyone from the CerAMglass, HyMat and NanoEng research groups!

Kick-off of GLASS_ TREA.S.U.RES. project

The hunt for TREA.S.U.RES has just begun… Prof. Enrico Bernardo is happy to coordinate a great team including University of Padova (Prof. Anna Mazzi, Prof. Paolo Sgarbossa), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Prof. Isabella Lancellotti, Prof. Luisa Barbieri, Prof. Cristina Leonelli) and the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ (Prof. Michelina Catauro), in the framework…
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BioCAM in Mons

From the 6th to the 8th of December 2023, it will take place the 1st international Workshop dedicated to ceramic additive manufacturing for biomedical applications (BioCAM2023). BioCAM is jointly organized by the Belgian Ceramic Research Centre (BCRC) and the European Ceramic Society (ECerS), with the support of the EMC (Additive Manufacturing) and Bioceramics ECerS Networks and of…
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Ph.D. positions at FunGlass

The FunGlass research center of the Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin welcomes applicants for new PhD positions. Please visit for more information! Some positions involve extensive cooperation with the University of Padova and the CerAMglass group (positions #20, #21). Welcome!

New graduated Doctors from the XXXIV Cohort!

Congratulations to Dr. Kai Huang, Dr. Giulio Giometti and Dr. Useche Inchauspe who successfully graduated as XXXIV Cohort’s PhDs!

Ranked in 2023 Stanford study of the world’s top 2% of scientists

All we do is win, win, win, no matter what! For the third consecutive year, the study conducted by Stanford University recognized Prof. Paolo Colombo, Prof. Enrico Bernardo and Dr. Hamada Elsayed as two of the world’s most-cited researchers in the field Materials. The authors created a publicly available database of over 100,000 top-scientists that…
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Le ricerche del Levi Cases

The Giorgio Levi Cases Energy Economics and Technical Study Center of the University of Padova has organized the “Le ricerche del Levi Cases” event, which will take place on the 22th of September at the Corte Benedettina of Legnaro, for a day dedicated to the winners of the Levi Cases 2023 and to the PNRR…
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CerAMglass @ Science4All

CerAMglass group – represented by Prof. Enrico Bernardo and Dr. Hamada Elsayed – will participate on the 30th of September at the 2023 edition of Scien4All, the science fair organised by the University of Padova. The goal of such event is to promote and keep alive the communication and share of scientific knowledges between the…
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GLAMS: building on the Moon

  Houston, we’ve had a winner here!   We are proud and happy to share that the two year GLAMS Project (Geopolimeri per Additive Manufacturing e Monitoraggio Lunare) of the University of Padova, receives funding of over 400,000 euros by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as it ranks first in the thematic area “Advanced Materials”…
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L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards

Congratulations to Akansha for winning the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards. We are happy to see this as a result of Akansha’s training stay at our lab, concerning upcycling technologies for waste glasses! You can take a look at her research work here:

Best oral presentation in yCAM2023

Congratulations to our PhD student Marco D’Agostini on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award at the yCAM2023 conference held in Leoben! The awardees are invited to present their work at the next AM Ceramics conference, with registration and travel costs fully covered by Lithoz GmbH.   Onwards and upwards!  

yCAM2023 in Leoben

During the past week – from the 30th of August to the 1st of September – the CerAMglass delegation took an active part at the yCAM2023 in Leoben, Austria! Thanks to all for the nice time spent together and congrats to the presenters!   

ECerS 2023 in Lyon

We, the many! The CerAMglass Research Group actively took part at the XVIII Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society hosted in Lyon, France from the 2nd to the 6th of July! Congrats to both oral and poster presenters and thanks to all for the great time spent together! 

MSSM 2023 in Reggio Emilia

From the 19th to the 21st of June 2023, it will take place the 9th International conference on Material Science & Smart Materials (MSSM23). The purpose of this conference on Materials Science and Smart Materials is to provide a forum for both researchers and practitioners around the world to present papers on recent developments in…
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Il futuro dell’energia: ricerca ed innovazione @DII

The seminar titled “Il futuro dell’energia: ricerca ed innovazione @DII” will be held on the 25th of May, 2023. The event is organized by the Fondazione Ingegneri Padova and it will feature different talks by professors of the DII.  Among those, Dr Giorgia Franchin will intervene talking about “Materiali sostenibili e stampa 3D: opportunità di…
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KERAMIK 2023 in Jena

The 98th Annual Conference of the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft (DKG), CERAMICS 2023, will take from March 27th to 30th at the Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena (EAH Jena). The Italian ceramic community is involved in the organization as a conference partner of this edition and Prof. Paolo Colombo, Dr. Giorgia Franchin and Dr. Hamada Elsayed will take part and…
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Seminar in Freiberg

The Institute for Ceramics, Refractory and Composite Materials (IKFVW) of the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg will host an Invited Lecture from Dr. Giorgia Franchin in the framework of the national project GRK 2802 – Refractory Recycling: A contribution for raw material-, energy- and climate-efficiency in high temperature processes. The lecture is titled “Additive manufacturing with…
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Ph.D. positions at FunGlass – 2nd round

3 topics and Ph.D. positions are still open for the academic year 2023/2024 at the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass (FunGlass) in Trenčín, Slovakia, planning to start in October 2023. For positions 3, and 4, Prof. E. Bernardo will be assigned as the co-supervisor. Application deadline is April 21, 2023; detailed info can…
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yCAM2023 call for abstracts

The newly presented yCAM team (including former PhD student Anna De Marzi) is happy to announce that yCAM 2023 will take place from 30th August to 1st September 2023 at the University of Leoben, Austria! yCAM is a symposium and a forum on Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics dedicated to young scientists. yCAM is an initiative…
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Awarded at the 47th ICACC

CerAMglass conquered Daytona! Together with Prof. Paolo Colombo, who received the Bridge Building Award, we are also happy to celebrate Dr Giorgia Franchin who won the Global Star Award! Such recognition is given from ACerS and recognizes active volunteers for their contributions to the Engineering Ceramics Division and to the technical program of the 47th…
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47th ICACC in Daytona Beach

Starting this Sunday and following to the next week (22nd to 27th of January 2023), the the 47th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) will take place at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. Prof. Paolo Colombo and Enrico Bernardo will present their works as well as Dr Giorgia Franchin and…
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“GLASS. From Roman antiquity to space probes” exhibition

The Department of Physics, at the University of Padova, have recently organized the exhibition “VETRO. Dall’antichità romana alle sonde spaziali” (“GLASS. From Roman antiquity to space probes”). This is a tribute to the International Year of Glass 2022 and it will last until April 30, 2023. The exhibition is hosted in the Giovanni Poleni Museum…
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Merry Christmas from CerAMglass!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone from the CerAMglass, NanoEng, and HyMat research groups!

Ph.D. positions at FunGlass

New Ph.D. positions are now open for the academic year 2023/2024 at the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass (FunGlass) in Trenčín, Slovakia, planning to start in October 2023. Details about the positions can be found at: For positions 2, 3, and 4, Prof. E. Bernardo will be assigned as the co-supervisor.

yCAM22 in Barcelona

During the past week – from the 9th to the 11th of November – the CerAMglass delegation took an active part at the yCAM22 in Barcelona, Spain! Thanks to all for the nice time spent together and congrats to the presenters! Scroll down to take a look at their works.  

Featured in DIINFORMA n. 2/08

DIINFORMA is the quadrimestral journal highlighting the research activities of the Department of Industrial Engineering of UNIPD. The paper “Hybrid additive manufacturing for the fabrication of freeform transparent silica glass components” by A. De Marzi et al. and published in the Additive Manufacturing Journal (vol. 54, issue 5) is featured in the DIINFORMA issue of October. …
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Ranked in 2022 Stanford study of the world’s top 2% of scientists

Don’t stop us now! Every year the group guided by Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University analyzes the data related to citations and h-index of more than 100,000 top scientists. The selection (visible here) is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.  We are…
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Arrivederci Kai!

Time to say goodbye to one of our colleagues, Dr Kai Huang! After 4 years in our group, where he doctorate early in 2022, he will start as postdoc at the Technische Universität Berlin (TU) in the group of Prof. Gurlo. Good luck Kai, a presto!

Shaping in Dübendorf

In two weeks (14-16 Sept.2022) the 8th Shaping Conference will take place in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The conference will be preceded (13-14 Sept. 2022) by the “A swiss knife for ceramics shaping: Between fiction, hope and vision” Summer School. The CerAMglass Research Group will be represented by Dr Franchin who will actively participate not only as lecturer at…
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