Building Energy & Technology Assessment
Research group

Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Padova

Our work

The BETALAB research group is focused on innovation for sustainable comfort in the built environment and for efficient use of energy resources through teaching, research and technology transfer.


The BETALAB Group faculty members offer courses on several subjects within the Mechanical and Energy Engineering master programmes.


The group’s main research activities concern indoor environmental quality, acoustic comfort, and the efficient management of energy on a building and urban scale.


The BETALAB group is dedicated to sharing skills, knowledge, technologies, evaluation methods, and facilities to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible to institutions and companies.


Vision & Mission

Our vision is to provide knowledge on the efficient management of the built environment, improve living comfort, promote the optimal use of resources in buildings and the urban environment, and educate engineers and technicians to design technological systems in buildings in a conscious manner.

Our mission is to undertake research and action focused on people’s well-being, the preservation of natural resources through the reduction of energy needs and waste production, and the development of less polluting and more efficient technologies.

"Dusk on 'La Défense' - Paris" by Gael Varoquaux is licensed with CC BY 2.0. Scaled 300x300.

Research areas

   The BETALAB Research Group operates on four main areas of investigation:


Actions to improve the actual, delivered indoor environmental quality in buildings through research, coordination, education and outreach.


Research for the control of noise pollution and the optimization of the sound emission of machinery and equipment.


Activities to reduce the energy consumption in buildings, considering both building envelope elements and systems integrated with renewable energy sources.


Evaluate the energy needs of districts and cities and propose efficiency-oriented actions to assist public and private decision makers.

Latest News

Learn more about our latest activities, research and publications.

CEN/TC126 Plenary Meeting at the DII, 8-11 April 2025

The Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova will host the CEN/TC126 Plenary Meeting and the WG2/WG7 meetings. The meetings will be held from 8 to 11 April[…]

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SISSI Research Project

The SISSI research project proposes a technologically augmented innovative and inclusive system capable of offering various tools based on interactive sound-absorbing panels as an alternative or addition to traditional techniques[…]

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CORE-WOOD Research Project

The CORE-WOOD research project aims to address a crucial strategic issue for the wood supply chain in the construction industry: its competitive repositioning in a changed international context. The current[…]

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