The BETALAB team is made up of Faculty members, Research Fellows, Ph.D. students and international visiting scientists.

Michele De Carli
Full Professor
Professor of Energy and Buildings – HVAC Systems.
Head of the CORE-CARE Laboratory.

Antonino Di Bella
Associate Professor
Professor of Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer – Applied Acoustics.
Head of the LabAcus Acoustic Laboratory.

Jacopo Vivian
Assistant Professor
Building Energy Management Systems.
Urban Energy Modelling.

Angelo Zarrella
Associate Professor
Professor of Energy Science – Aircraft HVAC Systems.
Head of the BRAIN Laboratory.

Lisa Battagliarin
Ph.D. Student
Environmental Acoustics.
Room & Building Acoustics.
Civil & Industrial Safety and Security.

Francesco Benà
Ph.D. Student
Multi-Source Energy Systems Modelling.
Integreated Heat Pumps and Renewable Energy Technologies Systems Design and Optimization.

Sara Bordignon
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Multi-source Energy Systems.
Heat Pumps.
Dynamic energy models.

Nicola Borgato
Ph.D. Student
Urban and Building Energy Modeling.
Building Energy Consumption Analysis.

Mohamad Khajedehi
Ph.D. Student
Urban Building Energy Modeling.
Heat Pumps.

Marco Marigo
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Energy consumption in residential buildings.
Building Energy Modelling.
CORE-CORE Laboratory coordinator.

Davide Menegazzo
Ph.D. Student
Heat Pump Systems.

Enrico Prataviera
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Urban Energy Modelling.
Indoor Environmental Quality.

Beatrice RIccardi
Ph.D. Student
Building Energy Simulation.
Building Modelling & Monitoring.

Giacomo Tognon
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ventilation modelling.
Indoor Environmental Quality.

Former members of our Team
Many PhD students and fellows have collaborated with BETALAB and with the laboratories belonging to this Group.
Giulia Alessio, Research Fellow, CORE-CORE Laboratory coordinator
Sara Bordignon, Ph.D.
Maria Elena Bovo, Ph.D. LabAcus Laboratory team
Mirco Celin, Research Fellow, IDEA108 Project (FSE)
Valeria De Giuli, Ph.D.
Luca Dall’Acqua D’Industria, Research Fellow, ALPS Project (FSE)
Hagar Elarga, Ph.D.
Giuseppe Emmi, Ph.D.
Furio Fattori, Research Fellow, CIAO Project (FSE)
Samanta Graci, Ph.D.
Nicola Granzotto, Ph.D. & Research Fellow, LabAcus Laboratory coordinator
毛宏智 Mao Hongzhi, Ph.D.
Giulia Lombardo, Research Fellow
Milica Mitrovic, Research Fellow, UniZEB Laboratory coordinator
Angela Pengo, Reseach Fellow, ALPS Project (FSE)
Cora Pavarin, Ph.D. LabAcus Laboratory team
Clara Peretti, Ph.D.
Maria Celeste Piazza, Reseach Fellow
Francesca Remigi, Ph.D., LabAcus Laboratory team – EcoPort Project
Cristian Rinaldi, Ph.D., LabAcus Laboratory team
Pierdonato Romano, Reseach Fellow
Elisa Scalco, Reseach Fellow
Massimiliano Scarpa, Ph.D.
Gaia Tomaiuolo, Research Fellow, SHALUS Project (BIRD-SID 2022)
Caterina Toninato, Research Fellow, CIAO Project (FSE)
徐玲玲 Lingling Xu, Ph.D.
Roberto Zecchin, Full Professor (retired)
周超辉 Chaohui Zhou, Ph.D.
Fabio Zulli, Reseach Fellow