Innovation Entrepreneurship and Finance
Graduate level course
School of Engineering
Prof. Moreno Muffatto
The course enables students to acquire the skills needed to pursue an innovation project both from an entrepreneurial point of view (new startup creation) and from a managerial point of view (management of innovation).
The course is mainly aimed at engineering students, but can be attended also by students with different background.
1st semester (9 ECTS): 28 September 2021 – 15 January 2022

Entrepreneurship and Startup
A course in Entrepreneurship
for PhD students and Post-Docs.
Prof. Moreno Muffatto, Ing. Francesco Ferrati
Universities have a large enterprise-creation potential that is still underutilized. The course aims to improve the entrepreneurial knowledge of researchers in order to let them translate scientific results in an entrepreneurial venture.
The course is mainly aimed at PhD students, Post-Docs and researchers of the University of Padova.
7 classes (20 hours)

Strategic Enterprise Management
Graduate level course
School of Engineering
Prof. Moreno Muffatto
The course provides an understanding of the main business processes that concern market relationship, new products and services development, production processes, product and service quality management, human resource management.
The course is mainly aimed at engineering students, but can be attended also by students with different background.
Second Semeser (6 ECTS): 28 February 2022 – 11 June 2022

Master Universitario in Project Management e Gestione dell’Innovazione
Executive program
Director: Prof. Moreno Muffatto
Since 2004, the executive program has contributed to the growth and organizational development of SMEs, healthcare systems and local governments. So far, more than 450 professionals attended the program.
The program is aimed at project and innovation managers and people engaged in organizational transformation.
19th edition: November 2021 – September 2022
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For more information about SCENT projects, research activities and educational programs, please send us an email