The hunt for TREA.S.U.RES has just begun…
Prof. Enrico Bernardo is happy to coordinate a great team including University of Padova (Prof. Anna Mazzi, Prof. Paolo Sgarbossa), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Prof. Isabella Lancellotti, Prof. Luisa Barbieri, Prof. Cristina Leonelli) and the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ (Prof. Michelina Catauro), in the framework of the MUR PRIN 2022 PNRR project GLASS_TREA.S.U.RES. (#P2022S4TK2).
This 2-year project was launched on December 4th, 2023 with a virtual kick-off meeting.
The project acronym stands for ‘glass-based treatments for sustainable upcycling of inorganic waste’, but it also reminds us that for us every glass is a treasure not to be thrown away. The research is dedicated to the reuse of glass residues that cannot be used in the manufacturing of new glass articles, mainly due to contamination from other materials. The partners are determined to ‘close the circle’ by defining new useful materials, according to nearly room temperature treatments, based on alkali activation, and the possible combination of waste glasses with other low cost or discarded inorganic materials.
For the sake of sustainability, the activation is carried out with relatively dilute alkaline aqueous solutions, and target applications include resource and energy savings, as well as water purification and disinfection. For example, dense blocks may replace natural stone or concrete, while highly porous bodies may be considered for thermal and acoustic insulation, absorption and degradation of organics or bacterial removal.
Stay tuned!