SISSI Research Project

The SISSI research project proposes a technologically augmented innovative and inclusive system capable of offering various tools based on interactive sound-absorbing panels as an alternative or addition to traditional techniques that often do not adapt to the optimal management of comfort, usability, and safety of collective environments and individual disabilities.
The project’s high degree of innovation is linked to the fusion between monitoring systems of thermo-hygrometric, visual, and acoustic parameters, tracking the movements of non-collaborative people, and analyzing the user’s gesture.
Thanks to the system’s scalability, various applications are also possible in the residential field, in the domestic “smart office,” or in healthcare residences for the elderly, especially for disabled people or in any case with a reduced degree of autonomy in the use of the typical control systems currently present in buildings.
The system can be installed in the homes of disabled or elderly people, reducing the costs of hospital domiciliation and making them autonomous even when they would not be sufficient to compensate for their deficits by themselves.
The Veneto Region funded the project through the call for proposals that contribute to implementing the POR FESR 2014-2020 regarding Action 1.1.4 “Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services” and Axis 1 “Research, technological development and innovation.”
Scientific support for the project was provided by the Department of Industrial Engineering and the Department of Information Engineering.
The companies that participated in the project are Ambiente 1985 srl, AudioInnova srl, BLR System srl, and Boccaccio 432 srls.
The complete data sheet of the SISSI research project is available HERE.