List of equipment and characterization techniques available in our laboratories
Chemical lab equipment:
- Analytical balance (Mettler Toledo)
- Centrifuges (Remi R9M, VWR Compactstar CS4, Hemle Z 233 M-2)
- Schlenk line
- Sonicator tip (Bondelin) and bath (Branson 3510)
- Dip coater (home built)
- Spray coater (home built)
- Spin coater (Laurell, WS-650MZ-23NPPB)
- Glove Box (Irco Engineering)
- Plasma cleaner (Harrick PDC-001-HP)
- Rotary evaporator (Laboroto 4000, Heidolph)
- High temperature furnaces in controlled atmosphere
- Oven
- Ball miller
- UV lamps (Upland UVL-56, Hamatsu LC5)
- Vacuum pumps
Material characterization and optical instruments:
- Spectrofluorometer (Jasco FP-6300)
- UV-VIS spectrophotometers with integrated spheres (Jasco V-570 & V-650)
- Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with ATR attachment (Jasco FTIR6200 with ATR pro ONE)
- Spectroscopic ellipsometer (Woollam Co., WVase 32)
- Spectroscopy set-up with optical fibres, UV-VIS-NIR light source (DH 2000 BAL), monochromator (MonoScan 2000), temperature-controlled sample compartment and spectrometer (Ocean Optics HR400)
- X-ray diffractometers for thin films and powders (Philips PW1710 & Bruker D8 Advance)
- Differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis (Mettler Toledo)
- Automated gas sorption analyzer (Autosorb, Quantachrome/Anton Paar)
- Dilatometer (Netzsch)
- Material Testing Machine (Galdabini Quasar 25)
- Viscometer (Brookfield)
- Source-measuring unit (Keithley)
- 4-point-probe (Jundel)
- Pencil Hardness tester (PPH CGoldenwall)
We are grateful for access to shared facilities for atomic force microscopy (Park Systems XE-70), scanning electron microscopy (Zeiss Sigma HD, Schottky FEG source), optical microscopes (upright and stereo, Leica & Zeiss) and water contact angle measurements (home built set-up equipped with CMOS sensor camera coupled with a zoom lens, Thorlabs).