
The research group involves Professors, Researchers, Doctoral and Master’s thesis students

Research Fields: Flight Mechanics, Space Systems, Flight Dynamics, In-Orbit Servicing, Tethered Satellites, Space Exploration, Space Robotics, Space Debris

Prof. Alessandro Francesconi
Full Professor

Prof. Carlo Bettanini
Associate Professor

Dr. Giacomo Colombatti
Associate Professor

Dr. Francesco Branz
Assistant Professor

Dr. Alessio Aboudan
Senior Researcher

Dr.ssa Francesca Ferri
Senior Researcher

Dr.ssa Cinzia Giacomuzzo
Senior Researcher

Dr. Lorenzo Olivieri

Federico Toson
PhD Student

Giuseppe Ventura
PhD Student

Irene Terlizzi
PhD Student

Stefano Lopresti
PhD Student
Martina Imperatrice
PhD Student
Samuele Enzo
PhD Student
Nicolò Trabacchin
PhD Student
Delia Visconi
PhD Student
Giovanni Trevisanuto
PhD Student
Massimo Dau
Research Fellow
Pietro Tasso
Research Fellow
Alberto Abiti
Research Fellow
Enis Arikan
Research Fellow
Vincenzo Quitadamo
Research Fellow
Giovanni Paolo Maria Buonconsiglio
Research Fellow
Federico Bortolato
Research Fellow
Marco Lazzarato
Technical Staff

The research group is also involved and collaborates with other important academia, companies and spin-offs