Our major facilities
and equipment
• IS-VRFB: a unique industrial scale 9kW/27kWh VRFB test facility, completely designed and built in-house
• RFB-CTF: in-house facility for testing RFB cells under controlled adjustable electrode compression, cell and electrolyte temperature, electrolyte flow rates,
and load both electronic and passive.
• 2kW NEXA Ballard Fuel Cell and a short fuel-cell stack designed and built in-house
• Two sets of National Instruments data management and processing hardware with SCADA functionality
• 20-channel high-current Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
• 2 high performance workstations
• in house and commercial (COMSOL Multiphysics, Simulink, Matlab, LabView, …) softweare for multiphysic and network analyses
• 4 kW bidirectional electronic power supply
• 2 kW-class electronic loads
• 600A variable passive load
• 2 Cinel PEMFC hydrogen generators
• 6 Ovonic hydrogen canisters

in-house Industrial Scale Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
IS-VRFB: a unique industrial scale 9kW/27kWh VRFB test facility, completely designed and built in-house.
- VRFB concept
- assembling a stack
- mounting a stack
- working safely
- IS-VRFB stack in place
- system in operation
- PCS – power conditioning system
- H-current EIS
- V(II)-V(III) solution
- V(IV)-V(V) solution
- signal processing
- BMS – battery managenent system
- IS-VRFB performance
Cell Testing Facility
RFB-CTF: in-house facility for testing active materials for RFB cells under controlled conditions, including temperature, adjustable electrode compression, electrolyte state of charge, and electric load.
Tests such as polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) can be carried out
- electronic PCS
- Thermal controlled
- high precision peristaltic pump
- fluid-dynamic instrumentation
- adjustable single cell set-up
- Experiment control and data processing
- whole system
- in operation …
Fuel Cell Systems
Fuel Cell Systems
- in-house PEMFC
- Heliocentris test system
- H-current EIS
- Industrial PEMFC