The overall goal of BioERA lab is the development of enabling technologies for biological discovery in the field of human physiology and pathophysiology.
BioERA lab is an interdisciplinary environment composed by people from biology, biotechnology, material science, chemical and biomedical engineering. We are located at the Dept. of Industrial Engineering of University of Padova and within the Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM).
In our lab we combine engineering principles with basic biological science to rationally understand and control cell behaviour. We are focused on understanding how cells and the environment interact with each other. The role of the 3D environment in stem cell identity, organogenesis and homeostasis is an established concept that brought life-scientists and engineers to develop new strategies for cell culture systems able to mimic in vivo conditions. In our lab we combine innovative micro-fabrication techniques together with human induced pluripotent stem cell biology. By engineering 3D environments in vitro and in vivo, we aim at elucidating the intricate crosstalk that exists between biochemical, biophysical and 3D architecture of microenvironment with cellular differentiation and morphogenesis, as well as function of tissues, which are the basis of physiological and physio-pathological processes.

Contact us
Nicola Elvassore
BioERA Lab
Get in touch
Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine
Via Orus, 2, 35129 Padova (Italy)
Dip. di Ingegneria Industriale (Sede M)
Via Marzolo, 9, 35131 Padova (Italy)
Office: +39-049-827-5469
Lab (DII): +39-049-827-5467
Lab (VIMM): +39-049-7923-219
Fax: +39-049-827-5461