Assessment and Management


Research center to design and test integrated tools and methods to support assessment and management of environmental, economic and social sustainability

Coordinated by Prof. Anna Mazzi, SAM.lab collaborates with public and private organizations and others research institutions, in the field of life cycle analysis, sustainability assessment, process/product optimization, supply chain management, circular innovation.

We design new tools and methods to improve sustainability

We develop tools for sustainability assessment, focusing on measurement and reporting of risks and impacts for the environment, health and safety
(sustainability assessment, circularity indicators, ESG reporting)

We design methods for sustainability management in operations and supply chain to optimize processes’ performance and support products’ innovation
(integrated management systems, input-output efficiency, supply chain optimization, circularity management)

We apply the life cycle thinking tools to support ecoinnovation of products and processes
(environmental-economic-social life cycle assessment)

We use risk management approach to reduce risks and support organizational sustainability (environmental risk assessment, health&safety risk assessment, organizational risk management, strategic risk management)

Our Team

Padua University – Department of Industrial Engineering

    Anna     Mazzi

Master degree in Management Engineering Postgraduate specialization in Environmental Management and Control at University of Trento and PhD in Management Engineering 

Director of SAM.lab research group.

Associate Professor at University of Padova

Elena  Battiston

Bachelor Degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering and Master Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering

PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering – curriculum Chemical and Environmental

Junior researcher in Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability performance and reporting

Caterina Barbiero

Bachelor Degree in Energy Engineering and Master Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering

PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering – curriculum Chemical and Environmental

Junior researcher in the applications of Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Economy

Martino Oliboni

Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering and Master Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering

PhD Candidate in Industrial Engineering – curriculum Chemical and Environmental

Junior researcher in Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing

Daniela Giuliani

Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering and Master Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering

Junior researcher in the applications of Life Cycle Assessment and calculation of Carbon Footprint

EU Projects and collaborations

List of European projects in which group members participate.

MICS Project

Microcredential for lifelong learning in engineering.

GRINS Project

Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable


GLASS-based TREAtments for Sustainable Upcycling of inorganic RESidues.

MILLE Project

Microcredential for lifelong learning in engineering.


Agriculture waste pyrolysis and thermo composting for renewable energy in sustainable agri-food sector.

Lightforge Project

Sustainable Forging Steels for Automotive Lightweighting.

HO-FOOD project

Innovative High pressure process to increase the preservation of ready-to-eat Organic FOOD.


Our participation in events, conferences and seminars

PhD Visiting period at Fraunhofer institute

“Application of the Sustainable circularity performance (SCP) model and integration with
sustainability reporting requirements”

March-May 2025, Karlsruhe, Germania

PhD Visiting period at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

“Analysis of the environmental impacts of innovative recycling processes for textile waste through LCA”

February-May 2025, Terrassa, Spagna

Giornata di studio
“Rifiuti e Life Cycle Thinking”

“Avanzamenti metodologici e applicazioni innovative delle metodologie basate sul concetto del ciclo di vita per una gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti e delle risorse”

28 gennaio 2025, Milano, Italia

LightForge Project

3rd Half-Year Meeting

15 gennaio 2025, Bilbao, Spagna

Ordine degli Ing. della Provincia di Treviso

“Inquinanti emergenti e PFAS nelle acque reflue urbane alla luce della proposta di revisione della direttiva 91/271/CEE: Aspetti tecnologici e ambientali”

26 novembre 2024, Vicenza, Italia

Ambiente Lavoro 

Il 24° Salone della Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro

20 novembre 2024, Bologna, Italia

SETAC Symposium

SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium: “Making LCA Meaningful: Good Data, Better Models, Sustainable Decisions”

21 – 23 ottobre 2024 , Gothenburg, Svezia

LCA, WF e tecnologie per la gestione delle risorse idriche

La sfida per la sostenibilità: tecnologie e strumenti per le imprese

10 ottobre 2024, online

Cleaner Production and Circular Economy

2nd International Conference on Cleaner Production and Circular Economy

23 – 25 settembre 2024, Prague, Czech Republic


XXXII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche:
“Resilienza e sostenibilità nel cambiamento globale”

19 e 20 settembre 2024, Lecce, Italia


Corso per l’apprendimento permanente: “Sustainability Assessment and Management skills”

9 – 13 settembre 2024, Padova, Italia


World Summit and Expo on     Energy and Power Engineering

19 – 21 august 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

Associazione RILCA

XVIII Convegno: “Life Cycle Thinking a supporto di modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili”

3 – 5 luglio 2024, Pescara, Italia

PhD Visiting period in Comforsa

“Conduction of an input-output analysis and application of the Sustainable circularity performance (SCP) model”

March-May 2024, Campdevànol, Spagna

LightForge Project

2nd Half-Year Meeting

11 e 12 giugno 2024, Padova, Italia

Seminario Sam.lab

manager della sostenibilità

5 giugno 2024, Padova, Italia

SETAC Conference

The 34th Annual Meeting by Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

5 – 9 maggio 2024, Siviglia, Spagna

Associazione RILCA

Workshop: “Il ruolo della LCA per l’ecosedign dei processi chimici

25 gennaio 2024, Milano, Italia

TEAPOTS project

 Kick-off meeting marking the 1st in-person gathering of consortium in SMACT Competence Center.

17 e 18 gennaio 2024, Padova, Italia

LightForge Project

1st Half-Year Meeting

13 e 14 dicembre 2023, Freiberg, Germania

SAIPho23 Workshop

Sustainability Assessment of Innovative Photovoltaics 

14 e 15 novembre 2023, Siena, Italia

Ambiente Lavoro

Il 23° Salone della Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro

10 – 12 ottobre 2023, Bologna, Italia

EURECA-PRO Conference

The 3rd Eureca-Pro Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production

27 – 29 settembre 2023, Chania, Grecia


The 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems

24 – 29 settembre 2023, Dubrovnik, Croazia

LCM 2023

The 11th International  Conference on Life Cycle Management 

6 – 8 settembre 2023, Lille, Francia

Associazione RILCA

XVII Convegno: “30 anni di Life Cycle Assessment: Sviluppi metodologici e applicativi”

28 – 30 giugno 2023, Milano, Italia

Cyrkl Italia

Circular brunch: “Sfide e soluzioni innovative circolari nel settore edilizio”

9 giugno 2023, Bologna, Italia

Ambiente Lavoro

22° Salone della Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro

22 – 24 novembre 2022, Bologna, Italia

ING 4 FUTURE green

L’ingegneria della sostenibilità e la sostenibilità dell’ingegneria

25 novembre 2022, Vicenza, Italia


La città universitaria come fattore strategico di sviluppo: il caso di Padova

12 maggio 2022, Padova, Italia


List of recent publications

Life cycle assessment of Al-Cu-Ag-Si recycling process from photovoltaic wasteLife cycle assessment of Al-Cu-Ag-Si recycling process from photovoltaic waste (2024)

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The role of life cycle thinking-based methodologies in the development of waste management plans (2023)

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Environmental and safety risk assessment for sustainable circular production: Case study in plastic processing for fashion products (2023)

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Environmental performance of glass foam as insulation material from waste glass with the alkali activation process (2023)

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Environmental profile of anaerobic and semi-aerobic landfills within sustainable waste management: an overview (2022)

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Double-life sustainable construction materials from alkali activation of volcanic ash/discarded glass mixture (2022)

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CORSO SAM.skills

Sustainability Assessment and Management skills

Responsabile del corso: Prof.ssa Anna Mazzi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, SAM.lab

Informazioni sul corso
Durata: 40 ore
Sede: Padova
Costo: €600

In fase di programmazione l’edizione 2025.

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