Numerical Simulations
In parallel to experimental tests a robust theoretical and numerical backbone have been developed along the year. Many different theoretical and numerical models have been developed to simulate each type of thruster. Particularly the following codes have been developed.
Chemical thrusters:
• 1-D simulation of catalyst bed;
• 1-D Steady / Unsteady simulation of hybrid rockets;
• 1-D simulation of regression rate of fuels, thermal protections and nozzles;
• 2D-3D Commercial CFD simulation of combustion chamber with customized boundary conditions.
- Design
- Transient behaviour
- Optimization
- Liquid Injection
- Vortex Injection
- Mixing Devices
- Internal ballistic analysis
- Self calculation of regression rate
UNIPD is in charge of all the numerical simulations:
• transient aerothermal simulations of the engine nozzle;
• advanced numerical simulations of the isochoric combustion chamber with self-calculated regression rate.
Plasma Thruster:
• Global simulation of the plasma source
• Electro Magnetic simulation of RF antennas
• 3D plasma fluid simulation
• 2D-3D Particle in Cell simulation
• Combined Plasma / EM simulations
- Densità
- EM propagation scaled
- Plasma Dynamic