LASA in short

a.a. 2019-2020 Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems Environmental Impact Assessment


The LASA Research Group belongs to the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) of the University of Padua. LASA is the acronym for “Laboratorio di Analisi dei Sistemi Ambientali” (Environmental Systems Analysis Lab). The research group is directed by Prof. Luca Palmeri.

LASA carries out research, through both monitoring and mathematical modeling, on water quality, diffuse pollution, ecology and environmental status of most types of aquatic ecosystems, including freshwater, saltwater and transitional water bodies, with an applied focus on the reduction of human impacts and on management strategies.

LASA carries out all the phases of the “supply chain” of environmental data: its staff carries out environmental monitoring through field surveys and subsequent analysis of the collected samples in the chemical laboratory, and then the collected datasets are used to construct mathematical models of environmental processes and ecosystems. This holistic approach allows researchers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each phase of the “supply chain” and create efficient tools providing practical support to enviromental decision-making and resources management. The staff of LASA includes both modelers and field/laboratory technicians with varied scientific backgrounds such as physicists, biologists and engineers. LASA is scientific consultant for public bodies and private enterprises concerned with the quality of water bodies and their management, and continually collaborates with land reclamation consortia (ìConsorzi di Bonificaî), regional/national environmental protection agencies and the local regional government. LASA has extensive experience in international research, having been regularly involved over the past years in EU projects (FP5, FP6, FP7, LIFE, INTERREG) mostly dealing with the functioning and sustainable management of wetlands, rivers, coastal zones and marine ecosystems.

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