Year 2022
Fiorentin, P., Binotto, R., Cavazzani, S., Bertolo, A., Ortolani, S., Saviane, I.
Long-Time Trends in Night Sky Brightness and Ageing of SQM Radiometers
(2022) Remote Sensing, 14 (22), art. no. 5787.
DOI: 10.3390/rs14225787
Fiorentin, P., Cavazzani, S., Ortolani, S., Bertolo, A., Binotto, R.
Instrument assessment and atmospheric phenomena in relation to the night sky brightness time series
(2022) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 191, art. no. 110823.
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.110823
Cavazzani, S., Fiorentin, P., Bettanini, C., Bartolomei, M., Bertolin, C., Ortolani, S., Bertolo, A., Binotto, R., Olivieri, L., Aboudan, A., Colombatti, G.
Launch of a sounding balloon for horizontal and vertical modelling of ALAN propagation in the atmosphere
(2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (3), pp. 4220-4228.
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac2977
Year 2021
Bartolomei, M., Olivieri, L., Bettanini, C., Cavazzani, S., Fiorentin, P.
Verification of angular response of sky quality meter with quasi-punctual light sources
(2021) Sensors, 21 (22), art. no. 7544..
DOI: 10.3390/s21227544
Year 2020
Cavazzani, S., Ortolani, S., Bertolo, A., Binotto, R., Fiorentin, P., Carraro, G., Zitelli, V.
Satellite measurements of artificial light at night: Aerosol effects
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499 (4), pp. 5075-5089.
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3157
Fiorentin, P., Bertolo, A., Cavazzani, S., Ortolani, S.
Calibration of digital compact cameras for sky quality measures
(2020) Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 255, art. no. 107235.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107235
Bettanini, C., Fiorentin, P., Dumitriu, A., Conte, E.E., Accatino, F., Cagnato, E., Kahol, O., Ghedin, M., Celadin, D., Magro, N., Bedendo, M., Aboudan, A., Colombatti, G.
Design and test of autonomous scientific payloads for sounding balloons
(2020) 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2020 – Proceedings, art. no. 9160172, pp. 469-474.
DOI: 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace48742.2020.9160172
Cavazzani, S., Ortolani, S., Bertolo, A., Binotto, R., Fiorentin, P., Carraro, G., Saviane, I., Zitelli, V.
Sky Quality Meter and satellite correlation for night cloud-cover analysis at astronomical sites
(2020) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 (2), pp. 2463-2471.
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa416
Year 2019
Fiorentin, P., Bettanini, C., Bogoni, D.
Calibration of an autonomous instrument for monitoring light pollution from drones
(2019) Sensors (Switzerland), 19 (23), art. no. 5091, .
DOI: 10.3390/s19235091
Fiorentin, P., Bettanini, C., Bogoni, D., Aboudan, A., Colombatti, G.
Calibration of an imaging system for monitoring light pollution from small UAVs
(2019) 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2019 – Proceedings, art. no. 8869591, pp. 267-271.
DOI: 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2019.8869591
Fiorentin, P., Boscaro, F.
A method for measuring the light output of video advertising reproduced by LED billboards
(2019) Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 138, pp. 25-33.
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.02.021
Year 2018
Fiorentin, P., Bettanini, C., Lorenzini, E., Aboudan, A., Colombatti, G., Ortolani, S., Bertolo, A.
MINLU: An instrumental suite for monitoring light pollution from drones or airballoons
(2018) 5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2018 – Proceedings, art. no. 8453573, pp. 274-278.
DOI: 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2018.8453573
Year 2014
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
On the use of broadband ultraviolet detector calibration
(2014) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 6860929, pp. 1177-1181.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2014.6860929
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
A simplified approach to the assessment of photobiological safety of LED sources
(2014) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 6860851, pp. 792-796.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2014.6860851
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A., Bertani, R., Moronato, M., Simionato, F., Zaggia, A.
Commercial TiO2 P25 activation: Evaluation of efficacy in photodegration processes of different radiating sources
(2014) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 6860968, pp. 1359-1363.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2014.6860968
Year 2013
Fiorentin, P., Pedrotti, E., Scroccaro, A.
Analysis of Tintoretto’s paintings in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco by an image spectrometer
(2013) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 6555433, pp. 323-327.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2013.6555433
Da Pos, O., Fiorentin, P.
Unique hues: A possible base for the evaluation of colour appearance quality
(2013) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 6555462, pp. 471-475.
DOI: 10.1109/I2MTC.2013.6555462
Year 2011
Fiorentin, P., Pedrotti, E.
Response of printing coloured ink to light exposure measurement and analysis
(2011) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 5944086, pp. 1361-1364.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2011.5944086
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
Illuminance from luminance measurement experimental results
(2011) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 5944027, pp. 254-259. Cited 1 time.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2011.5944027
Year 2010
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
Detector-based calibration for illuminance and luminance metersexperimental results
(2010) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 59 (5), art. no. 5440926, pp. 1375-1381.
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2010.2045036
Paparella, R., Bertani, R., Garau, G., Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A., Simionato, F.
Photocatalysis in building technology: A comparison between different light sources
(2010) Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building ‘From Theory to Practice’, pp. 1-3.
Year 2009
Fiorentin, P., Pedrotti, E., Scroccaro, A.
A multispectral imaging device for monitoring of colour in art works
(2009) 2009 IEEE Intrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2009, art. no. 5168475, pp. 356-360.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2009.5168475
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
The importance of testing road lighting plants: A simple system for their assessment
(2009) 2009 IEEE Intrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2009, art. no. 5168444, pp. 205-209.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2009.5168444
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
Comparison of luminance measurement based on illuminance and luminance detectors
(2009) 2009 IEEE Intrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, I2MTC 2009, art. no. 5168561, pp. 809-813.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2009.5168561
Year 2008
Casol, M., Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
On road measurements of the luminance coefficient of paving
(2008) 16th IMEKO TC4 Int. Symp.: Exploring New Frontiers of Instrum. and Methods for Electrical and Electronic Measurements; 13th TC21 Int. Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing – Joint Session, Proc., pp. 99-104.
Fiorentin, P., Pedrotti, E., Scroccaro, A.
An imaging device for multispectral analysis in the visible range
(2008) 16th IMEKO TC4 Int. Symp.: Exploring New Frontiers of Instrum. and Methods for Electrical and Electronic Measurements; 13th TC21 Int. Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing – Joint Session, Proc., pp. 93-98.
Fiorentin, P., Pedrotti, E., Scroccaro, A.
Performance analysis of an imaging spectro-chroma meter
(2008) Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7100, art. no. 71002.
DOI: 10.1117/12.797441
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
Internal traceability between luminous flux and illuminance standards
(2008) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 4547018, pp. 135-140.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2008.4547018
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
Analysis of the performance of a goniometer for studying surface reflection
(2008) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 57 (11), pp. 2522-2527.
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2008.924929
Year 2006
Fiorentin, P., Scroccaro, A.
The metrological characterization of a goniometer for the analysis of surface properties
(2006) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, art. no. 1700222, pp. 542-547.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2006.235027
Year 2005
Sonato, P., Baker, W.R., Beaumont, P., Damiani, C., Fiorentin, P., Guigon, A., Fullard, K., Goodyear, A., Grando, L., Huntley, S., Lam, N., Lioure, A., Loving, A., Marcuzzi, D., Mills, S., Peruzzo, S., Pomaro, N., Riccardo, V., Way, M.
Status of the halo current sensor project for JET-EP
(2005) Fusion Engineering and Design, 74 (1-4), pp. 757-761.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2005.06.230
Fiorentin, P., Iacomussi, P., Rossi, G.
Characterization and calibration of a CCD detector for light engineering
(2005) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 54 (1), pp. 171-177.
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2004.834055
Year 2004
Fiorentin, P., Iacomussi, P., Rossi, G.
A facility for the analysis of reflection properties of surfaces
(2004) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1, pp. 569-574.
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2004.1351113
Year 2003
Bertoluzzo, M., Buja, G.S., Castellan, S., Fiorentin, P.
Neural Network Technique for the Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of Distorted Signal
(2003) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50 (6), pp. 1109-1115.
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2003.819577
Fiorentin, P.
Effect of the Finite Memory Length of a Recorder in Evaluating Its Frequency Response from Step Response
(2003) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 52 (6), pp. 1898-1902.
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2003.820469
Puiatti, M.E., Cappello, S., Lorenzini, R., Martini, S., Ortolani, S., Paccagnella, R., Sattin, F., Terranova, D., Bolzonella, T., Buffa, A., Canton, A., Carraro, L., Escande, D.F., Garzotti, L., Innocente, P., Marrelli, L., Martines, E., Scarin, P., Spizzo, G., Valisa, M., Zanca, P., Antoni, V., Apolloni, L., Bagatin, M., Baker, W., Barana, O., Bettella, D., Bettini, P., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Chitarin, G., Cravotta, A., D’Angelo, F., Dal Bello, S., De Lorenzi, A., Desideri, D., Fiorentin, P., Franz, P., Frassinetti, L., Gaio, E., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Grando, L., Guo, S.C., Luchetta, A., Malesani, G., Manduchi, G., Marchiori, G., Marcuzzi, D., Martin, P., Masiello, A., Milani, F., Moresco, M., Murari, A., Nielsen, P., Pasqualotto, R., Pégourie, B., Peruzzo, S., Piovan, R., Piovesan, P., Pomaro, N., Preti, G., Regnoli, G., Rostagni, G., Serianni, G., Sonato, P., Spada, E., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Telesca, G., Toigo, V., Vianello, N., Zaccaria, P., Zaniol, B., Zanotto, L., Zilli, E., Zollino, G., Zuin, M.
Analysis and modelling of the magnetic and plasma profiles during PPCD experiments in RFX
(2003) Nuclear Fusion, 43 (10), pp. 1057-1065.
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/43/10/006
Sonato, P., Chitarin, G., Zaccaria, P., Gnesotto, F., Ortolani, S., Buffa, A., Bagatin, M., Baker, W.R., Dal Bello, S., Fiorentin, P., Grando, L., Marchiori, G., Marcuzzi, D., Masiello, A., Peruzzo, S., Pomaro, N., Serianni, G.
Machine modification for active MHD control in RFX
(2003) Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68, pp. 161-168.
DOI: 10.1016/S0920-3796(03)00177-7
Fiorentin, P., Pomaro, N.
Design of a new electromagnetic diagnostic for RFX
(2003) Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68, pp. 871-876.
DOI: 10.1016/S0920-3796(03)00368-5
Fiorentin, P., Iacomussi, P., Martignon, A., Rossi, G.
Characterization and calibration of a CCD detector for light engineering
(2003) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2, pp. 1087-1092.
Beacco, D., Fiorentin, P., Rossi, G.
A system for in situ measurements of road reflection properties
(2003) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2, pp. 1508-1512.
Pomaro, N., Bolzonella, T., Fiorentin, P., Grando, L., Peruzzo, S., Riccardo, V., Sonato, P.
Proposal for halo current diagnostic system for JET
(2003) Review of Scientific Instruments, 74 (3 II), pp. 1567-1570.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1526932
Bertoluzzo, M., Buja, G., Castellan, S., Fiorentin, P.
Real-time estimation of power system frequency by neural network
(2003) IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED 2003 – Proceedings, art. no. 1234552, pp. 87-92.
DOI: 10.1109/DEMPED.2003.1234552
Year 2002
Martin, P., Martini, S., Antoni, V., Apolloni, L., Bagatin, M., Baker, W., Barana, O., Bartiromo, R., Bettini, P., Boboc, A., Bolzonella, T., Buffa, A., Canton, A., Cappello, S., Carraro, L., Cavazzana, R., Chitarin, G., Costa, S., D’Angelo, F., Dal Bello, S., De Lorenzi, A., Desideri, D., Escande, D., Fattorini, L., Fiorentin, P., Franz, P., Gaio, E., Garzotti, L., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Grando, L., Guo, S.C., Innoccente, P., Intravaia, A., Lorenzini, R., Luchetta, A., Malesani, G., Manduchi, G., Marchiori, G., Marrelli, L., Martines, E., Maschio, A., Masiello, A., Milani, F., Moresco, M., Murari, A., Nielsen, P., O’Gorman, M., Ortolani, S., Paccagnella, R., Pasqualotto, R., Pégourié, B., Peruzzo, S., Piovan, R., Pomaro, N., Ponno, A., Preti, G., Puiatti, M.E., Rostagni, G., Sattin, F., Scarin, P., Serianni, G., Sonato, P., Spada, E., Spizzo, G., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Telesca, G., Terranova, D., Toigo, V., Tramontin, L., Valisa, M., Vianello, N., Viterbo, M., Zabeo, L., Zaccaria, P., Zanca, P., Zaniol, B., Zanotto, L., Zilli, E., Zollino, G.
New insights into MHD dynamics of magnetically confined plasmas from experiments in RFX
(2002) Nuclear Fusion, 42 (3), pp. 247-257.
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/42/3/304
Fiorentin, P.
Effect of the finite memory length of a recorder in evaluating its frequency response of from step response
(2002) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1, pp. 787-791.
Year 2001
Antoni, V., Valisa, M., Apolloni, L., Bagatin, M., Baker, W., Barana, O., Bartiromo, R., Bettini, P., Boboc, A., Bolzonella, T., Buffa, A., Canton, A., Cappello, S., Carraro, L., Cavazzana, R., Chitarin, G., Costa, S., D’Angelo, F., Dal Bello, S., De Lorenzi, A., Desideri, D., Escande, D., Fattorini, L., Fiorentin, P., Franz, P., Gaio, E., Garzotti, L., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Grando, L., Guo, S.C., Innocente, P., Intravaia, A., Lorenzini, R., Luchetta, A., Malesani, G., Manduchi, G., Marchiori, G., Marrelli, L., Martin, P., Martines, E., Martini, S., Maschio, A., Masiello, A., Milani, F., Moresco, M., Murari, A., Nielsen, P., O’Gorman, M., Ortolani, S., Paccagnella, R., Pasqualotto, R., Pégourié, B., Peruzzo, S., Piovan, R., Pomaro, N., Ponno, A., Preti, G., Puiatti, M.E., Rostagni, G., Sattin, F., Scarin, P., Serianni, G., Sonato, P., Spada, E., Spizzo, G., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Telesca, G., Terranova, D., Toigo, V., Tramontin, L., Vianello, N., Viterbo, M., Zabeo, L., Zaccaria, P., Zanca, P., Zaniol, B., Zanotto, L., Zilli, E., Zollino, G.
Transport mechanisms and enhanced confinement studies in RFX
(2001) Nuclear Fusion, 41 (4), pp. 431-436.
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/41/4/008
Fiorentin, P.
Flatness analysis of the oscilloscope frequency response by accurate step generator
(2001) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 3, pp. 2066-2069.
Fiorentin, P.
Noise effect reduction obtained by using coherence function in deconvolution
(2001) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 3, pp. 1714-1718.
Year 2000
Fiorentin, P.
Analysis of the performances of a digitizer for peak measurement of lightning pulse
(2000) CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements), pp. 421-422.
Fiorentin, P.
Hybrid system for magnetic field measurement based on torque measuring
(2000) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2, pp. 567-570.
Fiorentin, P., Pomaro, N.
Comparison of two different techniques for long term magnetic measurements in nuclear fusion research
(2000) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1, pp. 493-496.
Year 1999
Bartiromo, R., Buffa, A., Antoni, V., Apolloni, L., Bagatin, M., Baker, W., Bellina, F., Bettini, P., Bilato, R., Bolzonella, T., Canton, A., Cappello, S., Carraro, L., Cavazzana, R., Chitarin, G., Costa, S., D’Angelo, F., De Lorenzi, A., De Pol, G., Desideri, D., Escande, D., Fiorentin, P., Franz, P., Gaio, E., Garzotti, L., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Gregoratto, D., Guo, S.C., Innocente, P., Intravaia, A., Luchetta, A., Malesani, G., Manduchi, G., Marchiori, G., Marrelli, L., Martin, P., Martines, E., Martini, S., Maschio, A., Masiello, A., Milani, F., Moresco, M., Murari, A., Ortolani, S., Paccagnella, R., Pasqualotto, R., Peruzzo, S., Piovan, R., Pomaro, N., Pugno, R., Puiatti, M.E., Rostagni, G., Sattin, F., Scarin, P., Serianni, G., Sonato, P.G., Spada, E., Spizzo, G., Spolaore, M., Taliercio, C., Telesca, G., Terranova, D., Toigo, V., Tramontin, L., Valisa, M., Viterbo, M., Vitturi, S., Zaccaria, P., Zanca, P., Zilli, E., Zollino, G.
Recent progress in reversed field pinch research in the RFX experiment
(1999) Nuclear Fusion, 39 (Special Issu), pp. 1697-1705.
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/39/11Y/309
Fiorentin, P., Peruzzo, S., Pomaro, N., Sonato, P.
Electromagnetic transducers close to high temperature plasma in the thermonuclear fusion experiment RFX
(1999) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1, pp. 285-289.
Year 1998
Fiorentin, P.
Characterization of a magnetic field sensor based on torque measuring
(1998) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2, pp. 1033-1036.
Fiorentin, P.
Sampling system for accurate peak voltage measurements
(1998) Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2, pp. 1263-1266.
Fiorentin, P.
Design and construction of a stationary magnetic field sensor
(1998) Proceedings – Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 2, pp. 823-826.
Year 1996
Fiorentin, P., Gaio, E., Marchiori, G., Toigo, V.
Analogue feedback control system of RFX
(1996) Fusion Engineering and Design, 31 (3), pp. 221-238.
DOI: 10.1016/0920-3796(96)00442-5
Sonato, P., Baker, W.R., Fiorentin, P., Marchiori, G., Zaccaria, P., Zollino, G., Antoni, V., Bagatin, M., Desideri, D., Serianni, G., Tramontin, L., Bertoncello, R.
The wall conditioning techniques in RFX
(1996) Vacuum, 47 (6-8), pp. 977-980.
DOI: 10.1016/0042-207x(96)00106-6
Year 1995
Fiorentin, P., Gaio, E., Marchiori, G., Piovan, R., Toigo, V.
Passive and active control of the field errors at the poloidal gaps of the RFX shell
(1995) Proceedings – Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 2, pp. 1095-1098.
Fiorentin, P., Marchiori, G., Masiello, A., Zollino, G.
Computation of field errors due to poloidal cuts on the stabilizing shell of a fusion device
(1995) COMPEL – The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 14 (4), pp. 309-313.
DOI: 10.1108/eb051963
Gnesotto, F., Sonato, P., Baker, W.R., Doria, A., Elio, F., Fauri, M., Fiorentin, P., Marchiori, G., Zollino, G.
The plasma system of RFX
(1995) Fusion Engineering and Design, 25 (4), pp. 335-372.
DOI: 10.1016/0920-3796(94)00280-K
Year 1994
Fiorentin, Pietro, Gaio, Elena, Marchiori, Giuseppe, Piovan, Roberto, Toigo, Vanni
Analog feedback control of RFP plasma: implementation and first results in the RFX experiment
(1994) Fusion Technology, 26 (3 pt 2), pp. 572-576.
DOI: 10.13182/fst94-a40218
Fiorentin, Pietro, Marchiori, Giuseppe, Zollino, Giuseppe
Comparison and experimental validation of different methods for eddy current calculation in the RFX conducting shell
(1994) Fusion Technology, 26 (3 pt 2), pp. 577-581.
DOI: 10.13182/fst94-a40219
Year 1993
Antoni, V., Apolloni, L., Bagatin, M., Baker, W., Bassan, M., Bellina, F., Benfatto, L., Bergsaker, H., Buffa, A., Campostrini, P., Cappello, S., Carraro, L., Casarotto, E., Chitarin, G., Collarin, P., Costa, S., De Lorenzi, A., Desideri, D., Fauri, M., Ferrer, C., Fiorentin, P., Gaio, E., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Guarnieri, M., Guatieri, R., Hemming, O., Innocente, P., Kusstatscher, P., Luchetta, A., Malesani, G., Manduchi, G., Marchiori, G., Martin, P., Martines, E., Martini, S., Maschio, A., Moresco, M., Murari, A., O’Leary, P., Paccagnella, R., Pasqualotto, R., Piovan, R., Pomaro, N., Puiatti, M.E., Rostagni, G., Sardella, A., Scarin, P., Schmidt, V., Serianni, G., Sonato, P., Spada, E., Stella, A., Toigo, V., Tramontin, L., Trevisan, F., Valisa, M., Vitturi, S., Zaccaria, P., Zilli, E., Zollino, G.
Confinement studies on RFX
(1993) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 35 (SB), art. no. 027, pp. B333-B342.
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/35/SB/027
Fiorentin, P., Marchiori, G., Piovan, R., Toigo, V.
Digital control of plasma current and toroidal magnetic field in RFX
(1993) Proceedings – Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 1, pp. 227-230