Our laboratories and the technologies present here, allow us to produce and characterize different ceramic and glass materials

Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
- Stereolithography
- Robotfactory – 3DLPrinter-HD 2.0
- Gizmo 3D Printer – GiziMate Xtreme
- Lumi Industries – lumipocket LT
- PRUSA3D – Prusa SL1
- Asiga – Asiga Pico 2
- Material Extrusion
- Binder Jetting
- Desamanera – PA.STA.
- Volumetric printing
- Xolo – Xube
- 2-Photon Lithography
- Nanoscribe Gmbh – IP-Dip – (Te.Si. Lab, Rovigo)
- Air/Argon/Nitrogen atmosphere – Tmax 1700°C
- Optical microscope
- Benchtop SEM
- Helium pycnometer
- XRD – powders and thin films
- Rotational rheometer
- Universal testing machine
- Vickers and Knoop micro-intender
- Non-destructive resonance frequency testing
- Cutting and polishing machines