Materials, technologies and applications combined together
Our research focuses on innovative synthesis and fabrication methods for porous and dense ceramic components designed for high-end applications.
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Team work at its finest!
A big spring-clean activity at our laboratories today! Thanks to all the ones involved in making everything organized and tidy 💪
Read moreBest Poster Award at ICACC2024
Congratulations to our PhD student Subhadip Bhandari on winning the Trustee Award of the Best Poster Award at the 48th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC2024)! Onwards and[…]
Read moreAnother brick…on the Moon!
The groundbreaking two-year GLAMS Project (Geopolimeri per Additive Manufacturing e Monitoraggio Lunare) is delivering its first incredible results! In an exclusive interview with TGR on Italian television, Prof. Giorgia Franchin[…]
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