
Prof. Massimiliano Barolo

Prof. Fabrizio Bezzo

Prof. Pierantonio Facco

Dr. Federico d’Amore

Post-doc researchers

Dr. Gianmarco Barberi
Machine learning techniques for the scale-up of biopharmaceutical processes
Dr. Marco Cattaldo
Development of machine learning techniques for product formulation and process development for a spray-drying process in the pharmaceutical industry
Dr. Margherita Geremia
Model-based design of experiments for model discrimination and identificationPhD students

Seyed Zuhair Bolourchian Tabrizi
Streamlining experimental information for carbonation process modelling
Andrea Botton
A Machine Learning approach to plant scale-up/down
Marco Brendolan
An AI-based methodology to support formulation of resins and varnishes
Mauro Davanzo
Model-based approaches to accelerate the development and scale-up of API downstream manufacturing processes
Giulio Di Carlo
Digital twins of microalgae growth for process scale-up and optimization
Tiziana Marella
A general approach to hybrid modeling in the pharmaceutical industry
Mihnea Stefan
Soft-sensing and data analytics for in-line measurements in low-carbon cement production
Edoardo Tamiazzo
Development of experimental protocols for chemical processes using machine learning and digital twins in Nitrogen Industry 4.0
Leonardo Varnier
Integrating state-of-the-art technologies for sustainable cement productionVisiting PhD students

Sena Kumcu
Capture, storage and utilization of released carbon for a sustainable industrial development
Tobias Overgaard
A data-driven approach to quantify the impact of uncertainty on process performance and product quality in large-scale pharmaceutical production
Ana Helena Valdeira Caetano
Digital quality by design with model-based design of experimentsResearch assistants

Andrea Rosolen
Development of artificial vision systems for automatic food authentication