Categoria: Senza categoria

Development and In Vitro/In Vivo Comparative Characterization of Cryopreserved and Decellularized Tracheal Grafts

Stocco, E., Barbon, S., Mammana, M., Trojan, D., Bianchin, A., Favaretto, F., Contran, M., Zambello, G., Vogliardi, A., Confalonieri, M., Todros, S., Pavan, P.G., Romanato, F., Conconi, M.T., Macchi, V., De Caro, R., Rea, F., Porzionato, A. Development and in vitro/in vivo comparative characterization of cryopreserved and decellularized tracheal grafts. Cells 2023, 12(6), 888. DOI:…
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Mechanical Characterization of Human Fascia Lata: Uniaxial Tensile Tests from Fresh-Frozen Cadaver Samples and Constitutive Modelling

Bonaldi, L.; Berardo, A.; Pirri, C.; Stecco, C.; Carniel, E.L.; Fontanella, C.G. Mechanical Characterization of Human Fascia Lata: Uniaxial Tensile Tests from Fresh-Frozen Cadaver Samples and Constitutive Modelling. Bioengineering 2023, 10, 226.  

Deep Learning-Based Medical Images Segmentation of Musculoskeletal Anatomical Structures: A Survey of Bottlenecks and Strategies

Lorenza Bonaldi; Andrea Pretto; Carmelo Pirri; Francesca Uccheddu; Chiara Giulia Fontanella; Carla Stecco Deep Learning-Based Medical Images Segmentation of Musculoskeletal Anatomical Structures: A Survey of Bottlenecks and Strategies Bioengineering 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2, 137  

In silico design of ski-boots

Winner of the 2021 Best Paper in Sports Engineering Fontanella, C.G., Arduino, A., Toniolo, I., Zampieri, C., Bortolan, L., Carniel, E.L., 2021. Computational methods for the investigation of ski boots ergonomics. Sport. 24.