Development and In Vitro/In Vivo Comparative Characterization of Cryopreserved and Decellularized Tracheal Grafts
Stocco, E., Barbon, S., Mammana, M., Trojan, D., Bianchin, A., Favaretto, F., Contran, M., Zambello, G., Vogliardi, A., Confalonieri, M., Todros, S., Pavan, P.G., Romanato, F., Conconi, M.T., Macchi, V., De Caro, R., Rea, F., Porzionato, A. Development and in vitro/in vivo comparative characterization of cryopreserved and decellularized tracheal grafts. Cells 2023, 12(6), 888. DOI:…
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