The research activities of the BIERLAB of the Department of Industrial Engineering is focused on the cultivation of microalgae and modeling their growth. The fields of application for microalgae are very diversified; they can be used for biofuel production, in the waste water treatment industry for removing contaminants, to capture CO2 from industrial flue gas, as well as to produce high-value molecules and for food usage

The development of a climate-neutral society requires a massive decarbonization of the energy and industrial sectors. BIERLAB research interests focus on the analysis and critical evaluation of different technologies that will play a role in the energy transition. In order to do so, the research group utilizes expertise in process-simulation and modeling tools to design and simulate sustainable fuels and chemicals production, and to quantitatively assess the corresponding techno-economic, energetic, and environmental performances

Industrial fermentation processes are at the forefront of modern biotechnology, driving innovation across various sectors, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels. By utilizing microorganisms to convert raw materials into valuable products, industrial fermentation enables the efficient production of essential goods such as antibiotics, vitamins, and bio-based chemicals.