Scientific Collaborations
We welcome collaborations with researchers on topics of common interest. Below is a list of colleagues who have spent several weeks as visiting scientists in our research group.
- 2022, prof. Florin Bobaru, University of Nebraska–Lincoln (US).
- 2021, prof. Burak Aksoylu, Texas A&M University-San Antonio (US).
- 2019, prof. Pawel Packo, University of Science and Technology in Kraków (PL).
- 2018, dr. Pablo Seleson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)
- 2017, prof. Farshid Mossaiby, University of Isfahan (IR)
- 2016, prof. Erkan Oterkus and dr. Selda Oterkus, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK).
- 2015, prof. Florin Bobaru, University of Nebraska–Lincoln (US).

Industrial Collaborations
Collaboration with companies is important, they confront us with practical problems. We develop customised analysis methodologies according to the needs of industrial partners for structural optimisation of components, the study of alternative configurations for their products, and the identification of innovative calculation approaches. Some of the industries we have had the opportunity to collaborate with are:
- Dainese spa
- Officina Stellare spa
- Tetra Pak spa
- Unox spa
- Ecor spa
- Cinetix srl
- D-Air LAb srl
- Compositex srl
- Cappeller spa

Sometimes the phenomena to be simulated can be very complex

The development of accurate models for studying complex phenomena may require the inclusion of different forms of non-linearity, such as the geometric and non-linear behaviour of materials: let’s talk together, maybe we are the partners for your research you have been looking for.